Razor Management Inc., which operates the existing athletic facility at Monarch Park Collegiate Institute and is installing a similar field at Central Technical School, announced this month that it had received an unexpected retroactive municipal tax bill of $505,000 relating to the Monarch Park facility. It has also been informed that it will face similar levies at Central Tech once that field is up and running.
Search Results for Ship to wreck
EDITORIAL: Ship to wreck
February 2nd, 2016 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Ship to wreck
Tags: General
CHATTER (MAY 2017): Central Tech dome down in flames
May 26th, 2017 · Comments Off on CHATTER (MAY 2017): Central Tech dome down in flames
CHATTER (AUGUST 2016): Dome on track
August 26th, 2016 · Comments Off on CHATTER (AUGUST 2016): Dome on track
After being shut for close to four years, the Central Technical School field is set to reopen in time for the start of the school year, said Matthew Raizenne, president and CEO of Razor Management Inc., which is installing and will operate a new field and athletic facility at the site.
NEWS (JUNE 2016): New landscaping for Lennox Street
June 14th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS (JUNE 2016): New landscaping for Lennox Street
Concerns raised about lack of consultation for Central Tech space

PHOTO COURTESY RON BERNASCH/JSW+ ASSOCIATES: The landscape architect overseeing the enhancements said the aim is to emulate a university campus.
By Geremy Bordonaro
NEWS: Central Tech field renewal back on track
May 13th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS: Central Tech field renewal back on track
By Brian Burchell
Intensive construction work has resumed on the athletic field at Central Technical School and it appears that the new artificial turf, track, and seasonal dome will be completed on schedule.
LETTERS: HVRA still on board for CTS plan
March 9th, 2016 · Comments Off on LETTERS: HVRA still on board for CTS plan
Past chair responds to February editorial
Re “Ship to wreck” (Editorial, February 2016): you claim that former opponents of the dome at Central Technical School continued to work actively against the construction of the dome even after they had signed on to the Minutes of Settlement. That settlement was the result of successful mediation at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) between Razor Management Inc., the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), and five other parties. You name the former opponents as the City of Toronto and the Harbord Village Residents’ Association (HVRA). It would appear that the trigger for the editorial was the news that Razor Management had ceased work because it was being assessed $600,000 in tax arrears on a similar dome at Monarch Park Collegiate Institute.
Construction halted at Central Tech
February 2nd, 2016 · 1 Comment
Student athletes launch online petition
By Marielle Torrefranca
In the latest of a saga of hurdles, construction of Central Technical School’s $7-million sports facility has been stopped until further notice, said Razor Management Inc. (RMI).
FOCUS: TSP and BIA work together to bring a new mural to Bloor (Dec. 2024)
December 16th, 2024 · Comments Off on FOCUS: TSP and BIA work together to bring a new mural to Bloor (Dec. 2024)
Renowned Indigenous artist brings another masterpiece to the Annex
By Rose Haberer

Mural maestro Joseph Sagaj strikes the Annex community again with the powerful blow of his allegorical art. The mural, with all its vibrancy, sits atop the eroding steps of Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church and Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts.
NEWS: Neighbours oppose demolition plans (Nov. 2020)
December 4th, 2020 · Comments Off on NEWS: Neighbours oppose demolition plans (Nov. 2020)
Heritage building holds monumental significance

By Tanya Ielyseieva
Annex neighbours are fighting to stop the demolition of the properties at 661 and 663-665 Huron Street.
The plan to replace the single-family homes would see the construction of a four-storey apartment building with 48 residential units.
NEWS: U of T loses eight in plane crash (Feb. 2020)
February 27th, 2020 · Comments Off on NEWS: U of T loses eight in plane crash (Feb. 2020)
Community mourns the deaths of students, staff

By Tanya Ielyseieva
The University of Toronto has confirmed that eight members of the university community died in the crash of Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752, on January 8.
ARTS (DECEMBER 2016): HMS Terror found on greeting cards
December 20th, 2016 · Comments Off on ARTS (DECEMBER 2016): HMS Terror found on greeting cards
Thomas Fisher Rare Books a treasure trove unto itself

PHOTO COURTESY U OF T THOMAS FISHER RARE BOOK LIBRARY: “Arctic Amusements” by Owen Stanley depicts the ship’s crew passing the time while stuck in sea ice in 1836-7.
By Annemarie Brissenden
NEWS (SEPTEMBER 2016): Trains in the night
September 15th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS (SEPTEMBER 2016): Trains in the night
Potential disaster averted
By Brian Burchell
Two Canadian Pacific freight trains collided on August 21 sending two locomotives and several rail cars off the tracks just north of Dupont Street near Howland Avenue. The trains were going in opposite directions and one clipped the tail end of the other as it failed to execute a safe pass.