
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

Entries Tagged as 'General'

EDITORIAL: Ford’s boozy billion-dollar blunder (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

Who is clamouring so much for beer and wine in corner stores and at every grocer that the province feels compelled to exit its deal with The Beer Store early? The financial penalty to leave the contract now is between $225 million and $1 billion depending on whose numbers you buy. The current arrangement with The Beer Store (TBS) is set to expire in 16 months, with no penalty from Ontario taxpayers. Could it be that Premier Doug Ford is planning an early election, wants to get this campaign promise fulfilled ahead of time, and doesn’t mind a bit wasting taxpayers’ dollars to check that box?


Tags: General

FORUM: Tackling road congestion, noise, and safety (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

City council working through the summer

By Dianne Saxe

Thank you to everyone who turned out for our two Environment Days in May and June at Central Technical School and Fred Hamilton Park! I hope you have also enjoyed our first long weekends as we kick off the summer weather. I have managed to plant some cherry tomatoes and herbs in pots this year; so far they are withstanding the hungry rabbits.


Tags: General

FORUM: A view from inside the pink palace (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

Elections, housing, and schools are the hot topics

By Jessica Bell

Is it election time? 

The Conservatives closed the legislature a week early and extended our return date to Oct. 21. 


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ARTS: Wheeling Through Toronto book launch (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

Albert Koehl launches first book

The book launch for Wheeling Through Toronto by Albert Koehl took place on May 27 at L’Espresso Bar Mercurio at 321 Bloor St. W. COURTESY BRAD MARLIN

By Meredith Poirier 

The groovy L’Espresso Bar Mecurio, a bright Italian cafe at the intersection of Bloor and St. George streets hosted Albert Koehl’s book launch on May 27. 


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EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (May 2024)

June 14th, 2024 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (May 2024)

Local man, asset afficianado



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FORUM: Ford’s gross mismanagement of the land use files (Apr. 2024)

May 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on FORUM: Ford’s gross mismanagement of the land use files (Apr. 2024)

New housing bills encourage sprawl and thwart democracy

By Jessica Bell

The Conservatives have introduced another housing bill and revamped the Provincial Policy Statement which sets planning rules for the province.  Here’s what you should know about the Conservatives’ latest moves. 


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SPORTS: A whole new ball game (Apr. 2024)

May 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on SPORTS: A whole new ball game (Apr. 2024)

Club promises new features and new excitement for Leafs baseball

Fresh coats of paint are being applied to the announcer’s booth and concession stand. R.S. KONJEK/GLEANER NEWS

By R.S. Konjek

A new season of Toronto Maple Leafs baseball will soon get underway at Christie Pits.


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ON THE COVER (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER (Mar. 2024)

Newly constructed laneway suite near Borden and Bloor underscores the many possibilities for infill housing that are feasible and permissible in older downtown neighbourhoods. READ MORE HERE. BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS



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NEWS: Laneway suites taking hold (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on NEWS: Laneway suites taking hold (Mar. 2024)

How residential properties are evolving 

By James Bullanoff

A recent influx of laneway suites has hit the Annex area as homeowners explore alternative housing options for their properties.


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NEWS: U of T builds tower out of structural timber (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on NEWS: U of T builds tower out of structural timber (Mar. 2024)

Resurgence of sustainable wood beams and columns 

View looking northwest across Varsity Field at a rendering of the new timber tower under construction.

By Ammara Khan

The University of Toronto is currently in the process of constructing the tallest academic timber building in the world, predicted to be complete by mid-2026. 


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NEWS: Hot Docs cinema seeks support (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on NEWS: Hot Docs cinema seeks support (Mar. 2024)

Post-pandemic economic woes mean the Bloor needs your help

A cinema has occupied 506 Bloor St. W. continuously since 1913. COURTESY JOSEPH MICHAEL HOWARTH/HOT DOCS

By Brian Burchell

After having some record attendance of 225,000 visitors in 2019, the Hot Docs/Ted Rogers Bloor Cinema is now enduring a post-pandemic hangover, and is urgently seeking financial support to keep going.


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NEWS: From field to wall (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on NEWS: From field to wall (Mar. 2024)

Soil Soul Wholeness and the impacts on agriculture 

New mural at 380 Bloor St. W. pays homage to farmers. JAMES BULLANOFF/GLEANER NEWS

By James Bullanoff 

Soil Soul Wholeness, a recent mural installed in the Annex, invites those to consider the work of farmers and the impacts of large grocery chains on agriculture.  


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EDITORIAL CARTOON: Why can’t they get along??? (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL CARTOON: Why can’t they get along??? (Mar. 2024)



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