ON THE COVER: Pumpkin Festival returns (Nov. 2022)
November 22nd, 2022 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER: Pumpkin Festival returns (Nov. 2022)
Tags: Annex · News · On the cover
CHATTER: Harbord Village’s Pumpkin Festival returns (Nov. 2022)
November 22nd, 2022 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Harbord Village’s Pumpkin Festival returns (Nov. 2022)

Harbord Village’s cherished pumpkin festival is back in full swing. On November 1, dozens of pumpkins lit up the neighbourhood along Harbord Street from Spadina Avenue to Borden Street. Between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m., people paraded the street with hot apple cider, baked goods from Harbord Bakery, and the last of their Halloween spirit. Pumpkins carved at homes in the neighbourhood are brought to Harbord for a “re-showing.”
CHATTER: Appeal dismissed, redevelopment of 225 Brunswick Ave. to proceed (Spring 2022)
April 11th, 2022 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Appeal dismissed, redevelopment of 225 Brunswick Ave. to proceed (Spring 2022)
Construction at 225 Brunswick Ave. is set to begin this spring after a lengthy appeal by the former synagogue’s neighbours.
On Dec. 17, 2021, the Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) ruled in favour of developer Jeff Kopas, of Kopas Developmets Ltd., approving his plan to turn the commercial building into a seven-unit apartment building.
FOCUS: Revitalization of Robert St. Field (Mar. 2021)
March 26th, 2021 · Comments Off on FOCUS: Revitalization of Robert St. Field (Mar. 2021)
Long-awaited renewal of U of T park space for community use

By Mary An
CHATTER: Homicide on Harbord (Jan. 2020)
January 31st, 2020 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Homicide on Harbord (Jan. 2020)
On December 22, police responded to a call from a residence in Harbord Village, where they found a woman suffering from severe head trauma. They immediately arrested a 29-year-old man named Colin Harnack, who was charged with second-degree murder. The woman, 51-year-old Julie Berman, was rushed to hospital. She succumbed to her injuries a short time later.
NEWS: Refugees get Major investment (Oct. 2019)
October 17th, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: Refugees get Major investment (Oct. 2019)
Major Street residents band together to welcome new Canadians
By Leah Borts-Kuperman
At a Christmas party in 2015, ten neighbours living in Harbord Village decided to contribute $1,000 each to help Syrian refugees. The group, which would eventually call themselves the Major Street Refugee Initiative (MSRI), would go on to raise $80,000 and support a family of eight. That support continues today.
LIFE: Losing the hood (Summer 2019)
July 16th, 2019 · Comments Off on LIFE: Losing the hood (Summer 2019)
Tree canopy of Harbord Village depleted by 20 per cent
By Nabahat Hussain
A thorough tree inventory in Harbord Village shows that the neighbourhood’s tree canopy has decreased by 20 per cent in the past 12 years. This rate of decline is similar to that of trees in the Annex, north of Bloor.
ON THE COVER History delivered (Spring 2019)
April 23rd, 2019 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER History delivered (Spring 2019)

Canada Post recently issued a new stamp in honour of Canada’s first black postman, Albert Jackson. His route included Harbord Village. For a reprise of Gleaner coverage on Jackson see page 10 and for more on the stamp, please see page 2.
CHATTER: Send your pumpkin back to the patch on November 1 (City Election 2018)
October 17th, 2018 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Send your pumpkin back to the patch on November 1 (City Election 2018)
The pumpkin patch returns to Harbord Village on November 1 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Pumpkins will line Harbord Street from Spadina Avenue westward for the annual Pumpkin Festival, co-sponsored by the Harbord Street Business Improvement Area and the Harbord Village Residents’ Association. If you want to participate, put your pumpkin on your front porch in the morning on November 1, and volunteers will collect it to put it on display later that evening. —Brian Burchell/Gleaner News
EDITORIAL (MAY 2017): Revoke U of T’s unchecked “licence to build”
May 26th, 2017 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL (MAY 2017): Revoke U of T’s unchecked “licence to build”
The University of Toronto is seeking broader powers to do as it pleases with respect to developing new buildings in certain designated large swaths of its campus. In effect, it wants to be an off-leash development dog, a request that has the community wary. The City of Toronto should be too.
LETTERS (April 2016): Annex cyclists already well served
April 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on LETTERS (April 2016): Annex cyclists already well served
Re “Bike lane plan up for debate” (January 2016): As someone who has actively chased better Bloor Street biking for over a decade, I should be very happy that bike safety changes may finally occur, but I’m not fully pleased.
Tags: Annex · Letters · Opinion
FORUM: Untapped potential
February 2nd, 2016 · Comments Off on FORUM: Untapped potential
Animating our local laneways
By Joe Cressy
Downtown communities like ours face unique challenges and countless opportunities. Almost every day, in conversations at our local coffee shops, in public meetings, and as we connect with our neighbours, we look for ways to work together to build our communities. We look for opportunities to enhance our parks, support our neighbours, and to create new public spaces.
Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion
Tax, transport, and pirates: Trinity-Spadina candidates are put in the hot seat
April 15th, 2011 · 4 Comments
Compiled by Emina Gamulin, Perry King, and Beth Macdonell
The Riding
Trinity-Spadina neighbourhoods include Chinatown, Little Italy, Little Portugal, Kensington Market, the Annex, Seaton Village, Harbord Village, University of Toronto, Koreatown, Queen West, King West, the West Waterfront and the Toronto Islands. The riding is one of the most rapidly changing areas in the city due to the increase in condo developments. More than 41 per cent of residents listed a language other than English or French as their mother tongue.