
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

Entries Tagged as 'Letters'


July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

RE: “Lane name pays tribute to a mare named Crestfallen” (May 2024)

My mother survived the two World Wars and the Great Depression (I’m pretty old, myself!). 

Amongst her stories there’s one I’ve never forgotten; the acute pain she suffered as a child with diphtheria. That’s one reason I’ve been so glad my own children and grandchildren have been protected from such misery. 


Tags: Annex · Letters · Opinion


June 14th, 2024 · Comments Off on LETTER TO THE EDITOR (May 2024)

RE: Offended in the Annex

I live in the east Annex. I find it offensive to receive such a biased, one-sided “newspaper” delivered to my house.

If you are going to provide an unsolicited tabloid camouflaged as news, I would urge you to take a balanced approach.


Tags: Annex · Letters


August 8th, 2023 · Comments Off on LETTER TO THE EDITOR (April 2023)

RE: Budget passes in consensus vote, March 2023

Thank you for the complimentary copy which arrived in my mailbox on March 20. I found it an interesting read, but must take exception to the “Forum” column by Dianne Saxe.


Tags: Annex · Letters · Opinion


March 27th, 2023 · Comments Off on LETTER TO THE EDITOR (Feb. 2023)

St. Stephen’s Community House at 260 Augusta Ave. is looking for volunteers. (BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS)

RE: Volunteers needed!

I would like to thank you for your article on St. Stephen’s yard and for drawing attention to the challenges those facing homelessness experience.


Tags: Annex · Letters

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: “On the road to a roof over his head” (Apr. 2021)

May 12th, 2021 · Comments Off on LETTER TO THE EDITOR: “On the road to a roof over his head” (Apr. 2021)

Things are looking up for Jeff Reid, who has finally found a home

Jeff Reid can now afford the market rent at his new home, thanks to a provincial subsidy called the Toronto Transitional Housing Allowance Program: Homeless Stream. In his letter to the Gleaner, he shares a few suggestions for making the shelter system more welcoming to Toronto’s homeless population. NICOLE STOFFMAN/GLEANER NEWS

Hi! It’s me, the guy on page 7 of the [March edition] of the Gleaner! I have received so many comments about the article, it’s unbelievable. Instead of walking by me like I don’t exist, more people are treating me like I’m actually real or something! So happy!


Tags: Annex · Letters · Opinion


December 30th, 2018 · Comments Off on LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Dec. 2018)

Not so funny

Re: How Nice editorial cartoon (October 2018)

I have lived in the Annex for 40 years. I love living here and am so glad The Annex Gleaner exists. This is the first time opening the paper made me sad. I have never voted Conservative, never will, and I put in a good number of years working alongside Jack Layton, two of them at City Hall.


Tags: Annex · Letters

LETTERS: A bushel of tomatoes (Jan. 2018)

January 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on LETTERS: A bushel of tomatoes (Jan. 2018)

Re: “Height-ened fears” (December 2017)

In response to the comments of Ms. McKenna of KPMB Architects in Height-ened fears:


Tags: Annex · Letters

LETTER TO THE EDITOR (AUGUST 2017): An inspiration to us all

September 13th, 2017 · Comments Off on LETTER TO THE EDITOR (AUGUST 2017): An inspiration to us all

Remembering an unsung hero

On behalf of the Richardson family and the Central Technical School community I would like to thank you for the lovely story on Olympian and Jesse Owens U.S. counterpart, Sam Richardson.

It is important to share the stories and experiences of our fellow school alumni and neighbours, as it enriches our lives.


Tags: Annex · Letters

FORUM (MAY 2017): No relief for small business

May 26th, 2017 · Comments Off on FORUM (MAY 2017): No relief for small business

TABIA argues for tax fairness across Ontario

By John J. Kiru

In 1998, Ontario took over school boards’ authority to set property tax rates. Residential education rates were immediately equalized across the province and an advisory panel recommended moving quickly to equalize business education tax rates as well. It is now 19 years later and Ontario has failed to adopt this recommendation to provide tax fairness to businesses across the province, although the current government has repeatedly promised to do so once the deficit was eliminated.


Tags: Annex · Letters · Opinion


May 13th, 2016 · Comments Off on LETTERS

Beware the corporatization of Bloor Street

Re “Rexall replaces Brunswick House” (April 2016):

Anyone who sees Rexall’s move into the Brunswick location as a good thing or as a positive addition to the neighbourhood is sorrily mistaken. I am not sentimental regarding the loss of the Brunswick House itself, but sad to see a large American company move into this location. They will add nothing to the neighbourhood and take their profits out of Canada.


Tags: Annex · Letters

LETTERS (April 2016): Annex cyclists already well served

April 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on LETTERS (April 2016): Annex cyclists already well served

Re “Bike lane plan up for debate” (January 2016): As someone who has actively chased better Bloor Street biking for over a decade, I should be very happy that bike safety changes may finally occur, but I’m not fully pleased.


Tags: Annex · Letters · Opinion