
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner


July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

RE: “Lane name pays tribute to a mare named Crestfallen” (May 2024)

My mother survived the two World Wars and the Great Depression (I’m pretty old, myself!). 

Amongst her stories there’s one I’ve never forgotten; the acute pain she suffered as a child with diphtheria. That’s one reason I’ve been so glad my own children and grandchildren have been protected from such misery. 

Glad, too, that the speed of research led to vaccines which protected so many of us from COVID-19. 

It was so interesting to read that the diphtheria vaccine was developed so close to where I live now. Thank you for your article, Mia Keskinen. I’m glad Dr. Fitzgerald’s wife brought him such a well-spent dowry.

Brydon Gombay
Resident, Dalton Road

RE: “Should vape stores be near high schools?” (May 2024)

I love the paper and think local papers are so important for the world and information. 

But just a note on the vape store story. 0JJJ’s, the corner variety store across the street from Harbord Collegiate, sells vape products that are advertised in big bold letters in its window. It’s really atrocious. Will they be allowed to sell alcohol!?! 

One has to wonder who cares about the kids today—gambling, alcohol and vaping—all with age limits; oh yes, but we all know kids get around them. 

No one cares as it is all about making money for Dougie and his cronies.

Mary Bredin

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