
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

CHATTER: The Bloor-Borden farmers’ market is back! (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

Thanks to the dedication of a few hard-working volunteers, the Bloor-Borden market is here for another year. Helen, the market matriarch, can be found at the volunteer table virtually every Wednesday from 3 – 7 p.m. making sure that the market runs smoothly and answering questions from new and old shoppers. When you visit the market, be sure to thank her for her tireless efforts that brought this important community event back to the Annex and Harbord Village neighbourhoods.

“The market is now in its 18th season, again transforming the Green P into green peas!” according to market volunteer Jim Jacobs. Shopping at a farmers’ market supports farmers and food vendors directly without a middleman taking the bulk of the profits. This is vital for small farmers who want to grow using sustainable methods and avoid packaging their produce in ocean-bound plastic. Buying local also reduces the fossil fuels used in transporting foods, and there is an incredible variety of vegetables that typically can’t be found in supermarkets, making it easier to eat more fruits and veggies and less climate-destroying meat and dairy. 

This year one can find some incredible baked goods, spicy samosas, out of this world quiches, and even ostrich dumplings! As spring moves into summer, there will be more produce available. Eat seasonally and take this opportunity to get to know the farmers. Ask them about their farming practices. Ask them what sprays they use. Ask them how their animals are raised and if they use hormones or antibiotics. Be knowledgeable about where your food comes from and thank the farmers directly. Shopping at a farmers’ market is good for the farmers, but as city dwellers, it’s good for us too. It’s a good reminder that good food takes effort and time and doesn’t just come out of plastic containers. Eat well by knowing what you eat.  “While the focus of the market continues to be on fresh Ontario produce sold by the farmers who grew it, there’s also a rotating cast of vendors showcasing new product ideas, new ventures,” according to Jacobs.

 The market is in the Green P parking lot south of Bloor, between Borden and Lippincott, every Wednesday from June to October, 3 to 7 p.m.

—Terri Chu/Gleaner News

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