My family [and I] are longtime downtown residents and homeowners. We own a car and we also cycle daily to run errands, particularly on the Bloor shopping strip.
If you enact this bill we will simply stop shopping on the local Bloor strip. We will get in our car and drive somewhere else. So much for lowering congestion.
Your war against bike lanes will hurt me and my family. It will put us in danger.
And if my health and safety does not matter to you – as it obviously doesn’t seem to! – you don’t even seem to care that [it] will hurt downtown businesses.
You are perfectly willing to use an electoral wedge issue to put me and my family in danger, and hurt downtown businesses.
Your government must be very worried indeed about what the Greenbelt RCMP probe is going to uncover. What’s a few more dead cyclists when you can stay in power? And you are going to hurt our neighborhood businesses and waste more of MY tax dollars to do it.
Shaw Street resident