After two Gleaner stories amplifying community concerns over the city’s neglect of Paul Martel Park (on Madison north of Bloor), city staff gave the green space a major clean-up and its long promised new sign. Residents are hopeful that park staff bring the planting beds back to life in the spring.
—Brian Burchell/Gleaner News
- CHATTER: Park still ignored by city (Oct. 2019)
- NEWS: City fails to maintain park (Sept. 2019)
- GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Park it here (August 2019)
- GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Open spaces in the heart of the Annex (Summer 2019)
- NEWS: Huron-Washingon Parkette relocates while UTS expands (Spring 2019)
- GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: The best and worst of local parks(Summer 2018)
- GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: More attention to green spaces means parks are improving (July 2018)
- GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Parks on the fringe (AUGUST 2017)
- GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Open spaces in the heart of the Annex (July 2017)
- GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Survey reveals significant upgrades (June 2017)
- GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Meet our parks supervisor (August 2016)
- Part two of our 2016 parks review (July 2016)
- NEWS: Renewing Margaret Fairley Park (JULY 2016)
- PART ONE: Green sanctuaries in the heart of the city (June 2016)
- Grading our Greenspace (2015)