The Annex Residents’ Association is launching a new award to recognize the efforts of a resident who contributed to making the community a better place. The Community Builder of the Year award will be given to a person living in the Annex who has made a significant contribution in improving heritage, education, development, or social justice in the area. Nominations are being accepted up until April 23. The prize recipient, along with all of the nominees, will be announced on April 27 during the association’s annual general meeting at Friends’ House. Nominate a candidate by emailing with the name and address of the person you are nominating, and your reason for nominating them. Please also include your own name and address.
—Geremy Bordonaro/Annex Gleaner
HISTORY: Honouring those who honour history (October 2016)
LIFE: How I have made my community better (June 2016)
NEWS: HVRA recognized for historical achievements (May 2016)
Recognition for Harbord Street BIA (January 2016)