
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ON THE COVER: One hundred years of Wiener’s Hardware (Provincial Election 2022)

May 24th, 2022 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER: One hundred years of Wiener’s Hardware (Provincial Election 2022)

In 1923, Ida Wiener stands in the newly opened Wiener’s Hardware with her son Morey. One hundred years and three generations later, the family business is still going strong (Click here for full story). COURTESY WIENER’S HOME HARDWARE



Tags: Annex · News

FOCUS: Local resources for a global pandemic (Apr. 2020)

May 1st, 2020 · Comments Off on FOCUS: Local resources for a global pandemic (Apr. 2020)

An updated guide of Annex resources

By Gleaner Staff

Staying home to help stop the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to be the new normal for the foreseeable future.  

Read on for our updated guide to Annex resources during COVID-19, the second issue since we all started to hunker down and stay together apart. 


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: Local resources for a global pandemic (Mar. 2020)

March 24th, 2020 · Comments Off on NEWS: Local resources for a global pandemic (Mar. 2020)

An early guide to services

By Gleaner Staff

Staying local, living local, and shopping local is going to be the new normal in the coming weeks as the world hunkers down to battle the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). 


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: New mural for Major (Dec. 2019)

December 9th, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: New mural for Major (Dec. 2019)

Parkette location chosen to celebrate Bloor’s rich offerings

Initial concept of mural design by Daniela Rocha for the Major Street parkette (rear, east-face of Sleep Country location) pending for May of 2020.

By Khyrsten Mieras


Tags: Annex · News

Nuts and bolts with a comic thread

February 15th, 2015 · 1 Comment

Funny business going on at Wiener’s Home Hardware

Howard Pressburger, a familiar face at Wiener's Home Hardware, on Bloor Street, dispenses daily doses of fix-it yourself advice and is all the while quietly contemplating a comedic plot. Brian Burchell, Gleaner News

Howard Pressburger, a familiar face at Wiener’s Home Hardware, on Bloor Street, dispenses daily doses of fix-it yourself advice and is all the while quietly contemplating a comedic plot. photo Brian Burchell, Gleaner News

By Nicola Kivell


Tags: Annex · People