
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS: Area long-term care homes and COVID (Dec. 2020)

December 21st, 2020 · Comments Off on NEWS: Area long-term care homes and COVID (Dec. 2020)

There have been many outbreaks in long-term care homes across Ontario, including ones within the Gleaner’s distribution area. According to the province, Vermont Square, Kensington Gardens, O’Neill Centre and St. George Care Community have all experienced coronavirus outbreaks but have recovered since.


Tags: Annex · News

FORUM: How will Doug Ford’s 2020 budget impact us? (Nov. 2020)

December 4th, 2020 · Comments Off on FORUM: How will Doug Ford’s 2020 budget impact us? (Nov. 2020)

The government’s Scrooge-like plan is not what we need

By Jessica Bell

It’s easy to make bold and lofty promises at a press conference, but a budget reveals a government’s true priorities. 


Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion

GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: The best and worst of local parks (Summer 2018)

August 12th, 2018 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: The best and worst of local parks (Summer 2018)

Brunswick-College Parkette has received an upgrade and a new name, Doctors’ Parkette. A well-maintained and tidy spot, it’s great place to catch a breather in the midst of the busy city. AHMED-ZAKI HAGAR/GLEANER NEWS


Tags: Annex · Columns · Life