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NEWS: Candidates clash over climate platforms (Provincial Election 2022)

May 24th, 2022 · Comments Off on NEWS: Candidates clash over climate platforms (Provincial Election 2022)

PC candidate a no show, parties unite in opposition to Ford

By Carly Penrose

Only three of the University-Rosedale candidates running in the Ontario election this spring were present for the  University-Rosedale All Candidates Provinical Election Debate held Tuesday, May 10.   


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EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (Provincial Election 2022)

May 24th, 2022 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (Provincial Election 2022)



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FORUM: Addressing homelessness and housing challenges in Toronto (Provincial Election 2022)

May 24th, 2022 · Comments Off on FORUM: Addressing homelessness and housing challenges in Toronto (Provincial Election 2022)

Province finally steps in with $27 million

By Mike Layton

On any given night in Toronto, close to 10,000 people are experiencing homelessness, and the provincial budget announced on April 28 did nothing to help the problem.


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GREENINGS: Vote this election (Provincial Election 2022)

May 24th, 2022 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: Vote this election (Provincial Election 2022)

A vote for the oil men is a vote for genocide; it is actively acknowledging our ambivalence about the suffering of others

By Terri Chu

We live in a sea of green, red, and orange signs here in University-Rosedale, and for all the things we might disagree on, our neighbours agree on a few key points: climate change is real, vaccines work, science can move us forward.


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FORUM: Omicron demands leadership, not indecision (Jan. 2022)

February 4th, 2022 · Comments Off on FORUM: Omicron demands leadership, not indecision (Jan. 2022)

Ontario suffers while Ford dithers

By Jessica Bell

As the Omicron wave overwhelms Ontario, University-Rosedale residents are facing big challenges. Parents are wracked with the decision over whether to send their children to school. Hospitals are near capacity. You can’t get a PCR test. Surgeries are being canceled. Demand at food banks is at record levels, driven by rising poverty, job loss and inflation. The science is rapidly evolving, people are exhausted, and there is no public consensus on how to proceed. 


Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion

NEWS: Freeland wins despite lower turnout (Fall 2021)

November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on NEWS: Freeland wins despite lower turnout (Fall 2021)

Order of results in Uni-Rosedale largely unchanged this round

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland was re-elected for the third time in University-Rosedale on September 21. Her message that the Liberals could be relied upon to finish the fight against the pandemic and bring in $10-a-day child care earned her 47.5 per cent of votes in the riding, despite fewer polls and lowered voter turnout. COURTESY CHRYSTIA FREELAND

By Nicole Stoffman


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL: Doug Ford, the chaos king (Fall 2021)

November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Doug Ford, the chaos king (Fall 2021)

Frustration. Nonsense. Chaos.

These are just a few words that are used to describe the situation for Ontario businesses following the release of the province’s plan to lift all Covid restrictions for businesses. You’d think there would be more celebration, but it’s hard, given the fact that small businesses are being impacted extra hard by policy that seems designed to hurt them.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

FORUM: Status quo streets unsustainable (Fall 2021)

November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on FORUM: Status quo streets unsustainable (Fall 2021)

Government must be proactive to protect cyclists, pedestrians 

By Mike Layton


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FORUM: A wasted election, now Mr. Trudeau please deliver (Fall 2021)

November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on FORUM: A wasted election, now Mr. Trudeau please deliver (Fall 2021)

Many promises are now on the books that must be fulfilled

By Jessica Bell

Canada’s 44th election is over. The election cost $660 million, and delivered the same results as before, give or take a few seats. The Liberals got the minority they deserved.   


Tags: Annex · Opinion

FOCUS: Gleaner sits down with Jessica Bell (Fall 2021)

November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on FOCUS: Gleaner sits down with Jessica Bell (Fall 2021)

With less than a year before the provincial election our MPP reflects

MPP Jessica Bell has had an eventful first term serving her riding of University-Rosedale with the pandemic likely affecting at least half of her four years. Over a year into COVID-19 and less than one year left before the next election, Bell reflects on her term thus far and what’s to come. MADELINE SMART/GLEANER NEWS

By Madeline Smart


Tags: Annex · Life

FORUM: Looking to the feds to save cities (Aug. 2021)

September 8th, 2021 · Comments Off on FORUM: Looking to the feds to save cities (Aug. 2021)

So many municipal issues require a national strategy

By Mike Layton

This federal election, the focus for cities must be on social justice and the recovery. 

Cities are where the majority of the country’s population lives and for years, important programs to support residents such as child care, protecting the environment, and substantial investment into deeply affordable housing have been underfunded. 


Tags: Annex · Opinion

FORUM: Five provincial issues to follow this fall (Aug. 2021)

September 8th, 2021 · Comments Off on FORUM: Five provincial issues to follow this fall (Aug. 2021)

Provincial election is just months away

By Jessica Bell

With the provincial election coming fast and COVID in resurgence, this fall session at Queen’s Park will be impactful. Here are five issues to follow.

Our response to the fourth wave  


Tags: Annex · Opinion

FORUM: A victory for affordable housing in Kensington (Apr. 2021)

May 12th, 2021 · Comments Off on FORUM: A victory for affordable housing in Kensington (Apr. 2021)

A model for protecting housing security

By Mike Layton

Homelessness in Toronto and our neighbours living in encampments have been top of mind for many of you throughout the pandemic. It continues to be clear that all levels of government need to do more to fund and create housing, and it needs to be done faster. Our ultimate goal must be to ensure we have housing for everyone and to provide support for those who need it so they can stay healthy.


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