
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

FORUM: Vigilance is key, though the vaccine is here (Jan. 2021)

January 27th, 2021 · 1 Comment

Many reasons for optimism for the year ahead

By Mike Layton

As we enter the new year, I know the majority of us are still having to make big sacrifices to keep each other safe and healthy, but I also believe there is positive change in the air and I am hopeful for the coming year.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

NEWS: COVID-19 outbreaks at grocers (May 2020)

June 15th, 2020 · Comments Off on NEWS: COVID-19 outbreaks at grocers (May 2020)

Loblaws, Metro, Fiesta Farms all affected

By Nicole Stoffman

How is COVID-19 impacting the health and safety of grocery workers and their customers across the Annex? The Gleaner took a closer look.



Tags: Annex · News

FORUM: Meddling in municipal affairs (May 2019

May 28th, 2019 · 1 Comment

Province’s intrusion will impact quality of life

By Michael Layton

Since the province decided to cut Council in half, there has been a clear trend of decision making that aims to marginalize the City of Toronto and its residents’ voices on many critical issues. The trend continued this month as the province revealed details of their plan to try and steal our subway, and made life-and-death decisions about addiction treatment.


Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion

“We are not for sale”

July 12th, 2012 · Comments Off on “We are not for sale”

From left to right, Inspector Sandra Richardson, Reg Ayre, Lance Cumberbatch, Deborah Simon, and Councillor Cesar Palacio at the TCH town hall meeting at the Senator D. Croll Apartments on Apr. 25. Photo: Rasheed Clarke/Gleaner News

Public housing residents voice opposition to selling off units

By Rasheed Clarke


Tags: News · General