
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: The best and worst of local parks (Summer 2018)

August 12th, 2018 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: The best and worst of local parks (Summer 2018)

Brunswick-College Parkette has received an upgrade and a new name, Doctors’ Parkette. A well-maintained and tidy spot, it’s great place to catch a breather in the midst of the busy city. AHMED-ZAKI HAGAR/GLEANER NEWS


Tags: Annex · Columns · Life

CHATTER (JANUARY 2017): Doctors’ Parkette close to completion

January 23rd, 2017 · Comments Off on CHATTER (JANUARY 2017): Doctors’ Parkette close to completion

PHOTO BY GEREMY BORDONARO/GLEANER NEWS: The Doctors’ (formerly Brunswick College) Parkette is almost ready for its official unveiling, despite being slightly behind schedule. (It had been targeted for completion in the fall.) The harsh reality of winter has brought the remaining work of clearing the construction equipment and removing the barricade into sharp relief. However, the new sleek, modern park is likely to be open just in time for our annual Grading our Greenspace summer feature.


Tags: Annex · News