August 8th, 2023 · Comments Off on FORUM: New density is landing where there are few schools (May/June 2023)
Province allowing density but forgetting about education
By Jessica Bell
As an MPP and parent of two children who attend TDSB schools, I am personally and politically concerned about the quality of education University-Rosedale’s 33 schools provide to our children. Read more
September 9th, 2020 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: When “expert” plans look more like a gamble (Aug. 2020)
It’s a plan created by experts, and teachers need to step-up. That’s what Premier Ford and his ministers are saying about their back-to-school plan for Ontario students. The plan, which deserves some praise for permitting some two dozen school boards across the province to have their high school students take half their courses online, effectively reduces class sizes. The elementary school strategy, however, has garnered a less than enthusiastic response from school boards, teachers, parents, and – experts. Five hundred new nurses, and thirteen hundred additional custodians are being hired, but this will do nothing to reduce direct transmission between students or between students and staff. Let’s take a closer look. Read more
September 9th, 2020 · Comments Off on FORUM: What can we do to fight for safe public education? (Aug. 2020)
Premier’s plan creates chaos, sows division
By Jessica Bell
Since school closed in March, our family has been struggling with the impossible job of full-time work and full-time parenting our two school-aged children. I, along with the parents of Ontario’s other two million school-age children, have been waiting for the Ontario government to release its back-to-school plan. However, its release — just weeks before school is scheduled to begin and without any serious consultation with the community — brought feelings of relief, anxiety, hopelessness, and rage. Read more
December 9th, 2019 · Comments Off on FORUM: Ford plows ahead with cuts (Dec. 2019)
Back at Queen’s Park, Ford resumes his agenda
By Jessica Bell
After ordering the longest break in almost 25 years, Doug Ford finally let Queen’s Park get back to business last month. While the government signalled they would take a more tempered approach, the legislation the government has introduced shows the premier is continuing his destructive path. Read more
October 8th, 2019 · Comments Off on ARTS: Indigenous arts revealed (Sept. 2019)
The Bickford Centre hosted a celebration of Indigenous culture and arts for the second summer in a row. Sue Crow Eagle (centre) showcased her corn husk figures alongside 15 other indigenous artisans as well as dancers and drummers. NABAHAT HUSSAIN/GLEANER NEWS
First Nations come together for arts and crafts festival
September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: CTS art programs cut (August 2019)
Classes cut in wake of funding changes
Examples of student work from the soon-to-be cancelled art sculpture program at CTS. JUAN ROMERO/GLEANER?NEWS
By Juan Romero
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has approved a budget reduction plan for the 2019-20 school year. The budget reduction comes as a result of the provincial government’s education cuts across Ontario in the past year. Read more
Only four of the 13 candidates running for trustee in the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Ward 10 — which includes city wards 11 and 13 — replied to our questions. We did not receive answers from Mahbubul Alam, Ted Crysler, Kate Frischkorn, Baquie Ghaza, Jooheon Lee, Aaron Macgregor, Chris Moise, Alamgir Muhammad, and David Oliver. We reached out to the candidates by phone and email, and gave them a week to provide answers, asking them to keep each answer to 100 words or less.Read more
September 11th, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: Hundreds protest cuts to council (Aug./Sept. 2018)
Defending downtown democracy
Joe Cressy (Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina) speaks at an emergency public meeting at Scadding Court Community Centre on August 13. ELLIE HAYDEN/GLEANER NEWS
By Ellie Hayden
Hundreds of people huddled shoulder to shoulder shouted the rallying cry at an emergency public meeting on August 13 at the Scadding Court Community Centre. Read more
May 1st, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: Freshening the field (Spring 2018)
Improving Huron Street to make a positive impact
Huron Street Junior Public School’s Big Tree, a heritage tree that is about 150 years old, is at the centre of a plan to revitalize the schoolyard. School representatives want to create a welcoming space around the tree, clean up the tennis courts, and remove the fences. GEREMY BORDONARO/GLEANER NEWS
November 24th, 2017 · Comments Off on NEWS (Nov. 2017): Collateral damage
Community outreach suffers with TDSB ban on SROs
COURTESY JESSICA LEE/TORONTO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD School Watch Officer Andrea Harris (front row, third from left) was part of a group of officers from 14 Division who celebrated the Day of Pink at Harbord Collegiate Institute in April 2016. The Day of Pink is a worldwide event aimed at raising awareness to stop discrimination, gender-based bullying, homophobia, and transphobia.