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FORUM (APRIL 2017): Celebrating 20 years of cartoonist Brett Lamb

April 10th, 2017 · Comments Off on FORUM (APRIL 2017): Celebrating 20 years of cartoonist Brett Lamb

More how nice!:

EDITORIAL CARTOON (APRIL 2017): The GRAND TORY by blamb (April 2017)

EDITORIAL CARTOON: A second chance! by Brett Lamb 2037 (February 2017)

EDITORIAL CARTOON: Not really! It’s actually nice! by Stumpy the Subway (January 2017)

The stages of voting reform! by Joe Proportion (December 2016)


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EDITORIAL (FEBRUARY 2017): Clement’s petulance diminishes parliament

March 5th, 2017 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL (FEBRUARY 2017): Clement’s petulance diminishes parliament

Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is contributing little of use to the debate over how best to deal with the hundreds of refugees walking across the Canada-US border through fields and forests. Thanks to Donald Trump’s barrage of rashly conceived executive orders, immigrants to the United States seeking to stay there have become increasingly nervous that they will be deported without due process and are understandably seeking sanctuary in Canada. In Quebec alone, there was a 250 per cent increase in illegal crossings in January.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

EDITORIAL (May 2016): It just makes census

May 13th, 2016 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL (May 2016): It just makes census

Canadians are rejoicing at the return of the census, after the mandatory long-form census was axed by the former Conservative government. The widespread enthusiasm for participating in the count is serving both as a declaration of the importance of evidence-based decision-making and as a guilty verdict on how wrong-headed the Harper regime was for cancelling it in the first place.


Tags: Annex · Editorial

EDITORIAL (April 2016): An injection of leadership

April 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL (April 2016): An injection of leadership

Supervised drug injection sites are on their way to Toronto if local councillor Joe Cressy (Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina) gets his way. The rookie member of city council finds himself on many civic bodies, but at the Toronto Board of Health, he is the elected chair. Cressy announced the initiative in late March after the board directed the Medical Officer of Health to conduct community consultations for several supervised injection sites. This could lead to the federal government’s endorsement of the proposal; that is, making it legal for injection drug users to come into a controlled site with their own privately procured drug, get some guidance and a clean needle, and under the watchful supervision of a nurse, inject themselves.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

Olivia Chow: Harper’s Ominous Omnibus

August 10th, 2012 · 2 Comments

This budget is not good for Canadians, nor is it good fiscal policy.

By Olivia Chow, Member of Parliament for Trinity-Spadina


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