October 15th, 2024 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: A report card on our parks (Summer 2024)
A plethora of Annex-area parks under scrutiny
Each year the Annex Gleaner reviews the many parks and parkettes in our coverage area using a variety of criteria. While there is no decisive “winner” of the grading, letter grades are assigned to convey the quality of the parks, considering aspects such as upkeep, design, and amenities. The reviews accompanying the grades also let the reader know what makes each space unique. This is the first instalment of reviews for 2024.Read more
December 23rd, 2023 · Comments Off on FOCUS: Grading our Greenspace (Dec. 2023)
Compiled by Alexa Méndez
Rejuvinated Queen’s Park looking north. MIA KESKINEN/GLEANER NEWS
Each year the Annex Gleaner reviews the abundance of parks in our coverage area using a variety of criteria. While there is no decisive “winner” of the grading, letter grades are assigned to convey the quality of the parks considering aspects such as upkeep, design, and amenities. The reviews accompanying the grades also let the reader know what makes each space unique.Read more
August 19th, 2022 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE (Aug. 2022)
The best and worst of the Annex’s parks
Compiled and photos by Fox Oliver
Every year the Annex Gleaner reviews the abundance of parks in the Annex using a variety of criteria.
While there is no decisive “winner” of the grading, letter grades are assigned to convey the quality of the parks considering aspects such as upkeep, amenities, and accessibility. Read more
November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE (Fall 2021)
Albeit small and with no playground infrastructure Gwendolyn MacEwan park is a great spot to stop and have a rest.
As part of the Gleaner’s annual area park reviews, here is Part Two. We grade each park and compare the score with the prior year. We look for amenities, trees, gardens, and cleanliness. We also tell you something you may not know about how the space got its name. Read more
October 16th, 2018 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Sergeant Ryan Russell Parkette set for a redo (October 2018)
A plan to revitalize Sergeant Ryan Russell Parkette is set to be completed by the end of the year, with construction scheduled to begin next spring. The small greenspace at Dupont Street and Avenue Road — which in 2011 was named after Russell, who was killed in the line of duty that same year near the corner of Avenue Road and Bloor Street — has been neglected for some time. Read more