
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ARTS: Summertime arts and culture (Summer 2018)

August 12th, 2018 · Comments Off on ARTS: Summertime arts and culture (Summer 2018)

Fascinating films, family fun, and fabulous festivals

By Heather Kelly

For the family

Open Streets TO, the recreational program that opens our streets to people, returns August 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Bloor and Yonge streets. These active living events are a great way to enjoy walking, cycling, rollerblading, and dancing in the streets of our city!


Tags: Annex · Arts

(ARTS JULY 2017) Canada 150, camps for kids, and plenty of film

August 1st, 2017 · Comments Off on (ARTS JULY 2017) Canada 150, camps for kids, and plenty of film

August is alive along the Bloor St. Corridor

PHOTO COURTESY THE ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM: Saul Williams of North Caribou Lake First Nation, Weagamo, infuses his first exposure to the homes of non-Indigenous women in the city with humour in White Women and Their Plants, 1978. The painting is part of Anishinaabeg: Art & Power, a Royal Ontario Museum exhibition that explores the life, traditions, and sacred stories of the Anishinaabeg.


Tags: Annex · Arts

ARTS (MARCH 2017): Blue whale exhibit opens at the Royal Ontario Museum

March 22nd, 2017 · Comments Off on ARTS (MARCH 2017): Blue whale exhibit opens at the Royal Ontario Museum

Bloor Street’s cultural organizations starting to celebrate Canada 150

PHOTO COURTESY THE GARDINER MUSEUM: Drawing from memory and using a unique visual language of hybrid animal creatures, Janet Macpherson presents her very personal view of the nation in Janet Macpherson: A Canadian Bestiary at the Gardiner Museum. Its features four immersive installations are connected by overlapping themes and questions tracing identity and history, nature and the consequences of human actions, and the idea of the North. Showing until May 22.


Tags: Annex · Arts · Columns