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NEWS (NOVEMBER 2016): A legacy of city building

November 18th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS (NOVEMBER 2016): A legacy of city building

One Spadina Crescent integrates new into old

PHOTO BY NEILAND BRISSENDEN/GLEANER NEWS: Architect Nader Tehrani (above) wanted to emphasize interconnectedness within and without in One Spadina. It was a challenge, he said, to “design a building whose main audience are designers of urban landscape”.

PHOTO BY NEILAND BRISSENDEN/GLEANER NEWS: Architect Nader Tehrani (above) wanted to emphasize interconnectedness within and without in One Spadina. It was a challenge, he said, to “design a building whose main audience are designers of urban landscape”.

By Annemarie Brissenden


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