
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS: Parkettes win Urban Design Award (Fall 2023)

December 5th, 2023 · Comments Off on NEWS: Parkettes win Urban Design Award (Fall 2023)

Urban design firm DTAH and Bloor-Annex BIA lauded by city

Horn On The Cob playing for Wiener’s Home Hardware’s 100th Anniversary celebration in the Howland Ave. parkette.

By Megan Bocchinfuso


Tags: Annex · News

FOCUS: Marked with granite (Jan. 2020)

January 31st, 2020 · 1 Comment

Creating a spot to gather

Artist Robert Cram spots as Sanscon Construction employees carefully place the first granite bench at the Robert Street Parkette. NEILAND BRISSENDEN/BLOOR ANNEX BIA

Originally published in October of 2016 in anticipation of the granite installations in the Bloor Street Parkettes.

By Geremy Bordonaro


Tags: Annex · Life

FOCUS (OCTOBER 2016): Marked with granite

October 28th, 2016 · Comments Off on FOCUS (OCTOBER 2016): Marked with granite

Creating a spot to gather

PICTURE COURTESY ROBERT CRAM: A Quebec quarry worker marks granite destined to become part seating, part art installation in four parkettes set to launch on Bloor Street in 2018.

PICTURE COURTESY ROBERT CRAM: A Quebec quarry worker marks granite destined to become part seating, part art installation in four parkettes set to launch on Bloor Street in 2018.

By Geremy Bordonaro


Tags: Annex