
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

EDITORIAL: Don Cherry’s deeply revealing words (Nov. 2019)

December 9th, 2019 · 1 Comment

Don Cherry made it easy for Rogers’s-owned Sportsnet to fire him on Nov. 11. His attack on newcomers for not wearing symbols of allegiance (the poppy) advances a very non-Canadian agenda that is entirely contrary to the values that our soldiers and allies fought for over several wars.  It’s not so much that times have changed and Cherry’s views have failed to evolve, but that we believe Cherry is advancing views that were never very Canadian. The fact that he was fired on Remembrance Day is the real tribute to those troops.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

CHATTER: Marking Remembrance Day with music (Dec. 2018)

December 30th, 2018 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Marking Remembrance Day with music (Dec. 2018)

The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre observed Remembrance Day with a multi-disciplinary ceremony. The November 11 event included a moment of silence, candle lighting, and a music performance by students in the music program.

—Temi Dada/Gleaner News


Tags: Annex · News · General

ON THE COVER (Nov. 2017): Remembering

November 24th, 2017 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER (Nov. 2017): Remembering

BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS Second World War veterans Shirley and George Brickenden place poppies at Revera Retirement Residence on November 9 in honour of Remembrance Day. The Brickendens, who live at Revera, were joined by Hazel McCallion, Revera’s chief elder officer and Mississauga’s former mayor. Revera residents across Canada made over 17,000 poppies for displays all over the country.


Tags: Annex · News

HISTORY (Nov. 2017): A childhood in war-torn Holland

November 24th, 2017 · 1 Comment

Dutch Dreams owner recalls Nazi terror, jubilation after liberation

COURTESY J.L. BLOEMHOF’S AMERSFOORT ’40-’45 “Look at him, I find that so beautiful a picture. He’s from the Polar Bear Brigade, they liberated us. Isn’t that a beautiful picture? You can see in his face that he knows he liberated the Dutch, he’s proud and happy!”


Tags: Annex · General · History

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Harbord C.I. connects with history

April 10th, 2017 · Comments Off on FROM THE ARCHIVES: Harbord C.I. connects with history

Fully restored statue returns to school

PHOTO BY NEILAND BRISSENDEN/GLEANER NEWS: Our Soldier has watched over Harbord students since 1922.

By Linda Nguyen

A bronze soldier has stood proudly in front of Harbord Collegiate Institute for 83 years. He’s watched students saunter in and out of class each day, watched as they skateboard and chatter at his feet, but most importantly, he’s watched over them.


Tags: Annex · History

BLACK HISTORY MONTH (FEBRUARY 2017): A long history of activism

March 5th, 2017 · Comments Off on BLACK HISTORY MONTH (FEBRUARY 2017): A long history of activism

Grizzle tried to change system from within

By Paul Lawrie

FROM THE ARCHIVES: In honour of Black History Month, we reprint the following article, which was originally published in our February 2003 edition. Stanley G. Grizzle was one of “Blackhurst’s” many early heroes, and we profiled him twice in these pages. He was also featured in a November piece on local war veterans, which is available on our website. Stanley G. Grizzle, who lived to his 98th year, passed away last November, one day after Remembrance Day.


Tags: General

HISTORY FROM THE ARCHIVES: Sculptor marks the lessons of war

November 18th, 2016 · Comments Off on HISTORY FROM THE ARCHIVES: Sculptor marks the lessons of war

Walter Allward designed Vimy Ridge, local war memorials

By Alfred Holden

In honour of Remembrance Day, this month we reprint former Citybuildings columnist Alfred Holden’s November 2003 piece on the sculptor who designed many of the nation’s most affecting and prominent war memorials.


Tags: Annex · History · Life