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NEWS: Candidates clash over climate platforms (Provincial Election 2022)

May 24th, 2022 · Comments Off on NEWS: Candidates clash over climate platforms (Provincial Election 2022)

PC candidate a no show, parties unite in opposition to Ford

By Carly Penrose

Only three of the University-Rosedale candidates running in the Ontario election this spring were present for the  University-Rosedale All Candidates Provinical Election Debate held Tuesday, May 10.   


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EDITORIAL: Let cabinet do its job (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Let cabinet do its job (August 2019)

After a five-month break from public scrutiny, enabled by not having a sitting legislature, the provincial government of Premier Doug Ford should emerge from the rock it has been hiding under.  A new modus operandi is needed, one that respects cabinet and treats ministers as more than mere Premier’s pawns. 


Tags: Annex · Editorial

FOCUS ON THE ELECTION: Grilling potential MPPs (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on FOCUS ON THE ELECTION: Grilling potential MPPs (Election Special 2018)

University-Rosedale candidates answer your questions

Over the last five months we’ve published forum pieces by five people running to be your Member of Provincial Parliament in the newly formed riding of University-Rosedale: Jessica Bell (New Democratic Party), Daryl Christoff (New People’s Choice Party of Ontario), Jo-Ann Davis (Ontario Liberal Party), Tim Grant (Green Party of Ontario), and Gillian Smith (Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario).


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL: They’re poor, Doug, not dumb (May 2018)

May 9th, 2018 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: They’re poor, Doug, not dumb (May 2018)

“Folks are working their backs off for minimum wage,” said Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC) leader Doug Ford recently, after announcing he would block a promised minimum wage hike in favour of a tax break. According to Ford, this would give a full-time worker earning $14 per hour about $800 more in net income every year.


Tags: Annex · Editorial