October 17th, 2019 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Park still ignored by city (Oct. 2019)
Brian Burchell/Gleaner News
Despite the public outcry city staff have still not taken steps to address the concerns of residents about the neglect of Paul Martel Park located on Madison Avenue. City councillor for University-Rosedale Mike Layton has joined the chorus of those advocating for a solution, “I have made repeated requests to parks staff to have the signage replaced and attend to the overall state of the park. With two retirements of parks managers within the south district, maintenance this year was a challenge as the positions were not permanently filled until the end of the summer. Now that both those positions have been filled, I’m confident the city will be better able to respond to requests from the community.” Read more
October 8th, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: City fails to maintain park (Sept. 2019)
Staff unresponsive to concerns about Paul Martel Park
A graffiti-stained map depicts what once was of the Paul Martel Park. BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS
By Juan Romero
If you are on Madison Avenue, just north of Bloor Street West, you will see on the west side of the street a place with benches and grass right behind the Spadina bus station; that place is Paul Martel Park, a spot that the city has apparently forgotten about. Read more
September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Park it here (August 2019)
The best and the worst of our greenspaces
In this final instalment of this year’s Gleaner’s park evaluation once again Christie Pits score an A+ for its design, maintenance, and the sheer volume of activities and facilities there. Paul Martel Mark on Madison Avenue just north of Bloor can fall no further on our scale. It got an F because of the City’s utter neglect of the site.Read more
July 18th, 2018 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: More attention to green spaces means parks are improving (July 2018)
Tall trees provide lots of shade for the University of Toronto faculty and students who often congregate at Bloor-Bedford Parkette. Easily accessible from St. George station or the parking lot behind the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, the park also features paved walkways and several benches. AHMED-ZAKI HAGAR/GLEANER NEWS
August 1st, 2017 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE (JULY 2017): Open spaces in the heart of the Annex
Lots of places for ambling with a dog, playing sports, or watching the world go by
PHOTO BY GEREMY BORDONARO/GLEANER NEWS: There’s lots for kids to do at the recently renovated Margaret Fairley Park, where the installation of a new wading pool and seating area is almost complete. The revitalized park has a determined Muskoka feel to it that might strike some as a bit too sterile.