Sustainable and green neighbourhood also on the agenda
By Madeline Smart
After months of lockdowns, revitalization was at the top of the agenda for the Palmerston Area Residents Association’s (PARA) annual general meeting on June 2.
By Madeline Smart
After months of lockdowns, revitalization was at the top of the agenda for the Palmerston Area Residents Association’s (PARA) annual general meeting on June 2.
By Tanya Ielyseieva
The Palmerston Area Residents Association (PARA) has donated $7,900 to the Daily Bread Food Bank raised by a community fundraising drive. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, they also launched an initiative to make non-medical masks, which raised some additional funds for the Daily Bread Food Bank.
“Canadians are kind and generous.” The Prime Minsister tells us this in his daily briefings on the COVID-19 crisis. In reality, this statement is part truth and part aspirational. Fortunately in the Annex, and in a great many other parts of our city, this is proving to be true. Many residents are acting as model citizens: staying home, sharing positive messages, and helping each other out.
It’s a bit ironic that municipal elections attract the lowest voter turnouts. Ironic because decisions made at City Hall have a greater impact on your day-to-day life than those made in the legislature or in parliament. On any given day, Toronto City Council will consider garbage, snow removal, transit, zoning, parks…the list is endless. Yet it can be difficult for councillor candidates to attract attention, much less your vote.
Only four of the 13 candidates running for trustee in the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Ward 10 — which includes city wards 11 and 13 — replied to our questions. We did not receive answers from Mahbubul Alam, Ted Crysler, Kate Frischkorn, Baquie Ghaza, Jooheon Lee, Aaron Macgregor, Chris Moise, Alamgir Muhammad, and David Oliver. We reached out to the candidates by phone and email, and gave them a week to provide answers, asking them to keep each answer to 100 words or less.
Tags: General
Seven candidates are running for trustee in the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Ward 9: Norm Di Pasquale, Iola Fortino, Alfredo Garcia, Denise Gracias, Angelo Harrison, Marnie MacCallum, and Sandra Weber. Ward 9 includes city wards 10, 11, 12, and 13.
By Ahmed-Zaki Hagar
Future development and maintaining community green spaces were the main topics at a well-attended annual general meeting of the Palmerston Area Residents’ Association (PARA) on May 15.
Kristina Reinders, a senior urban designer with the City of Toronto, spoke about the TOcore initiative, focusing on parkland and community spaces.
By Mike Layton
At the Palmerston Area Residents’ Association (PARA) annual general meeting last month, I realized something. We are so lucky to have such informed, open, and dedicated neighbours. Often people, including the media, are critical of neighbourhood associations labelling them as NIMBY, meddling neighbours standing in the way of change favouring homeowners.
Tags: Annex · General · Opinion
By Emilie Jones
The Palmerston Area Residents’ Association (PARA) unveiled its plan to go green at a public meeting in early August. The association, which has been developing the plan with the office of Mike Layton (Ward 19, Trinity-Spadina), was looking for ideas and feedback from the neighbourhood.
Tags: General
By Geremy Bordonaro
Westbank Projects Corp.’s Mirvish Village development was the focus of the Palmerston Area Residents’ Association (PARA) annual general meeting last month.