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NEWS (JANURY 2017): Open only a month

January 23rd, 2017 · Comments Off on NEWS (JANURY 2017): Open only a month

Landlord shuts Pacifico Life storefront

PHOTO BY GEREMY BORDONARO/GLEANER NEWS: Pacifico Life’s Bloor Street West location remains boarded up. Landlord Yong Jo gave Tamara Hirsh three hours to move her marijuana dispensary out of the building shortly before Christmas.

By Geremy Bordonaro


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL (JANUARY 2017): Pot a remedy in opioid crises

January 23rd, 2017 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL (JANUARY 2017): Pot a remedy in opioid crises

In December, after just three weeks in business, the Pacifico Life marijuana dispensary at 444 Bloor St. W. was shut down by the building’s landlord. It paid the price for operating outside the current federal law governing the sale of that drug. The government has promised changes to the law including decriminalization, regulation, and retail level access. Meanwhile, not too far away at Bathurst and Queen streets, the City of Toronto awaits federal approval to open a supervised injection drug site, where users like heroin addicts can get help if things go awry with their injection (such as an overdose) and get counselling and treatment. In both cases, it’s a waiting game for the federal government to act.


Tags: Annex · Editorial

FOCUS (JANUARY 2017): Should marijuana dispensaries be closed?

January 23rd, 2017 · Comments Off on FOCUS (JANUARY 2017): Should marijuana dispensaries be closed?

Bloor Street citizens have their say

By Geremy Bordonaro

The December 22 shutdown of Pacifico Life had us wondering: what do people think of having a marijuana dispensary in their neighbourhood? So, we hit Bloor Street on January 12, not too far from where Pacifico Life had been, to find out. We asked people what they thought of the shutdown, and of dispensaries in general. What follows is a round-up of what we learned.


Tags: Annex · People · Opinion

CHATTER (DECEMBER 2016): Marijuana dispensary opens

December 20th, 2016 · Comments Off on CHATTER (DECEMBER 2016): Marijuana dispensary opens

Pacifico Life (444 Bloor St. W.), a marijuana dispensary, opened its Toronto doors late last month with a mission “to educate, empower, and alleviate”. The Hamilton-based business sells many different products derived from the plant, including bath bombs, lip salves, oils, and soaps. It also dispenses the flower itself, but only for medical use. The plant is sourced from 100 growers, some as far as away as British Columbia.


Tags: Annex