
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

CHATTER: Marking Remembrance Day with music (Dec. 2018)

December 30th, 2018 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Marking Remembrance Day with music (Dec. 2018)

The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre observed Remembrance Day with a multi-disciplinary ceremony. The November 11 event included a moment of silence, candle lighting, and a music performance by students in the music program.

—Temi Dada/Gleaner News


Tags: Annex · News · General

(ARTS JULY 2017) Canada 150, camps for kids, and plenty of film

August 1st, 2017 · Comments Off on (ARTS JULY 2017) Canada 150, camps for kids, and plenty of film

August is alive along the Bloor St. Corridor

PHOTO COURTESY THE ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM: Saul Williams of North Caribou Lake First Nation, Weagamo, infuses his first exposure to the homes of non-Indigenous women in the city with humour in White Women and Their Plants, 1978. The painting is part of Anishinaabeg: Art & Power, a Royal Ontario Museum exhibition that explores the life, traditions, and sacred stories of the Anishinaabeg.


Tags: Annex · Arts

NEWS (MAY 2017): Miles Nadal JCC submits electronic roof sign application

May 26th, 2017 · Comments Off on NEWS (MAY 2017): Miles Nadal JCC submits electronic roof sign application

Centre needs to address funding shortfall

By Clarrie Feinstein

The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre (JCC) has resubmitted an application to erect a third party electronic advertising sign on the roof of its building at the southwest corner of Spadina Avenue and Bloor Street.


Tags: Annex · News

ARTS (APRIL 2017): Bloor St. Culture Corridor celebrates three years

April 10th, 2017 · Comments Off on ARTS (APRIL 2017): Bloor St. Culture Corridor celebrates three years

Enhancing Toronto’s vital arts and cultural sector

PHOTO COURTESY TORONTO REFERENCE LIBRARY: Vice and Virtue, running until April 30 at the Toronto Reference Library, examines moral reform in Toronto at the turn of the last century. When moral crusader William Holmes Howland was elected mayor in 1886, he introduced laws to curb drinking and vice. This exhibit presents articles, photos, and other media fueling the good and evil behind Toronto the Good.


Tags: General

ARTS (FEBRUARY 2017): Celebrate love and family

March 5th, 2017 · Comments Off on ARTS (FEBRUARY 2017): Celebrate love and family

A wealth of activities for kids of all ages

By Heather Kelly

February is a month of celebrating love and making time with family members.


Tags: General

NEWS (OCTOBER 2016): MNJCC makes giant splash

October 28th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS (OCTOBER 2016): MNJCC makes giant splash

New pool is a model for inclusivity and accessibility

PHOTO BY SUMMER REID/GLEANER NEWS: The MNJCC’s new universally accessible pool (full story on page 1) now features an entrance ramp. The community centre at Bloor Street and Spadina Avenue is now fully compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, which aims to make the province fully accessible for people with disabilities by 2025.

PHOTO BY SUMMER REID/GLEANER NEWS: The MNJCC’s new universally accessible pool (full story on page 1) now features an entrance ramp. The community centre at Bloor Street and Spadina Avenue is now fully compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, which aims to make the province fully accessible for people with disabilities by 2025.


Tags: Annex · News

Festival on Bloor turns 15

June 7th, 2011 · 2 Comments

By Cara Waterfall

Festival on Bloor started as a bet between local business owners and has become a summer staple for Annex residents. Credit: Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre.

Festival on Bloor (FoB) originally began with a disagreement between Andrew Kilgour and former James Joyce Irish Pub (386 Bloor St. W.) owner Robert Costello.


Tags: Arts · People