Since retiring from her career teaching elementary school five years ago, photo artist and independent filmmaker, Martha Davis, has found opportunities to work with children outside the classroom. This May, she joined the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival with her Diorama Dramas.
ARTS: Diorama Dramas displayed at photography exhibition (May/June 2023)
August 8th, 2023 · Comments Off on ARTS: Diorama Dramas displayed at photography exhibition (May/June 2023)
ON THE COVER: PANDALAND lightens the atmosphere in Seaton Village (Aug. 2021)
September 8th, 2021 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER: PANDALAND lightens the atmosphere in Seaton Village (Aug. 2021)
It started with seven wicker baskets, seven plastic pandas, and a piece of string. In early June, Seaton Village resident Martha Davis created a panda zipline between a hydro pole and a tree on a stretch of public green space in front of St. Peter Catholic School.