
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ON THE COVER: Toronto’s only Black and minority-owned comedy club (Mar. 2023)

April 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER: Toronto’s only Black and minority-owned comedy club (Mar. 2023)

Sashka DC performs her comedy set at The Comedy Lab during their Thirsty Thursdays show. COURTESY THE COMEDY LAB

Danton Lamar opened The Comedy Lab at 298 Brunswick Ave. in February 2022 to showcase comics whom he felt weren’t receiving enough stage time.


Tags: Annex · News · On the cover

NEWS: U of T plans two towers for Bloor and Spadina (Mar. 2023)

April 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on NEWS: U of T plans two towers for Bloor and Spadina (Mar. 2023)

University chooses developer of Mirvish Village to lead project

A huge swath of U of T property at Bloor and Spadina is planned for re-development with two towers housing residential, academic, and commercial uses. COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MEDIA RELATIONS

By Fox Oliver


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: Synagogue renovations focus on accessibility (Mar. 2023)

April 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on NEWS: Synagogue renovations focus on accessibility (Mar. 2023)

The First Narayever Congregation opens after three years of renovations

After three years of renovations, the First Narayever Synagogue reopens to the public. The red-tiled exterior pays homage to the red bricks of the original synagogue which has been owned by the congregation since 1940. FOX OLIVER/GLEANER NEWS

By Fox Oliver


Tags: Annex · News

CHATTER: Pink Day returns to University of Toronto Schools (Mar. 2023)

April 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Pink Day returns to University of Toronto Schools (Mar. 2023)

University of Toronto Schools’ Day of Pink celebration seen here in 2018. Toronto Police sent their mounted unit to show their support. BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS

On April 12, the University of Toronto Schools (UTS) is celebrating the International Day of Pink for the tenth year to stand up against bullying and support its 2SLGBTQ+ community. The Day of Pink will be celebrated with a block party and raffles for the community, in addition to assemblies led by UTS students.


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL CARTOON: Scale of badness (Mar. 2023)

April 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL CARTOON: Scale of badness (Mar. 2023)



Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion

EDITORIAL: Ford’s budget is a fail (Mar. 2023)

April 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Ford’s budget is a fail (Mar. 2023)

The province is enjoying a windfall from sales tax on the inflated prices of goods and services. Notwithstanding a legacy of debt, which provincial governments of all stripes have contributed to, this government here and now is swimming in cash. One might have expected a budget with more punch, a budget that makes a difference for the economy, the environment, or for the many Ontarians who are struggling right now—but no. We have a budget that is neither conservative nor progressive, and there appears to be no underlying vision whatsoever, beyond kicking the can down the road. 


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

FORUM: Conservative budget doesn’t deliver for Toronto (Mar. 2023)

April 12th, 2023 · Comments Off on FORUM: Conservative budget doesn’t deliver for Toronto (Mar. 2023)

Ford’s budget leaves us hanging

By Jessica Bell

The Conservative’s budget was released on March 23. Overall, the budget increases spending by one per cent, far below the 6.8 per cent rate of inflation. We will be seeing cuts. Here’s the lowdown.

Health care


Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion