After 12 years on city council, Mike Layton, representative for University-Rosedale’s Ward 11 will not seek another term. Given the systemic changes made to the city’s governance in recent years, it’s no surprise Layton’s made this call—but it’s a shame and a real loss to this community.
EDITORIAL: Farewell Mike (Aug. 2022)
August 17th, 2022 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Farewell Mike (Aug. 2022)
Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion
CHATTER: “One-legged stool” build plan quashed on Prince Arthur (Mar. 2021)
March 26th, 2021 · Comments Off on CHATTER: “One-legged stool” build plan quashed on Prince Arthur (Mar. 2021)
After years of opposition, many Annex residents relished the defeat of a proposed development on 64 Prince Arthur Ave. The proposal was brought to the City of Toronto twice – the first time as a 29-storey condominium building with luxury rentals, the second time as a 19-storey building. In both instances, the design was one of twisting steel and glass that would have stood in stark contrast to the low-rise brick and vine neighbourhood. At the end of January, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) wholly dismissed the developers’ appeal.
NEWS: Parking versus housing (Oct. 2020)
November 2nd, 2020 · Comments Off on NEWS: Parking versus housing (Oct. 2020)
Kensington Market considers a change
By Mary An
Priorities are shifting in Kensington Market, according to a recent motion adopted by Toronto City Council that declares the parking lot at 25 Bellevue Ave. a surplus location that could be used to build affordable housing.
NEWS: Creating a friendlier Dupont (May 2019)
May 28th, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: Creating a friendlier Dupont (May 2019)
Creation of city square and Dupont greening to begin this summer

By Nabahat Hussain
NEWS: Huron-Washingon Parkette relocates while UTS expands (Spring 2019)
April 23rd, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: Huron-Washingon Parkette relocates while UTS expands (Spring 2019)
Concerns expressed about future of playspace

By Ahmed Hagar
NEWS: Pausing to preserve (City Election 2018)
October 17th, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: Pausing to preserve (City Election 2018)
Demolition freeze for Kensington Market
By Temi Dada
In mid July, Toronto City Council voted to prevent the demolition of commercial and mixed-use buildings for one year in Kensington Market. This gives the city time to complete work on designating the market a Heritage Conservation District (HCD), and makes sure that developers don’t tear down any buildings in a bid to launch a redevelopment project before the HCD gets finalized.
FORUM: Take back Toronto on the 22nd (City Election 2018)
October 17th, 2018 · Comments Off on FORUM: Take back Toronto on the 22nd (City Election 2018)
Vote progressive on election day
By Jessica Bell
Doug Ford has hurt Toronto. Ford slashed Toronto’s wards from 47 to 25 in the middle of an election, and threatened to suspend our Charter rights and freedoms by invoking the notwithstanding clause for the first time in Ontario’s history.
NEWS: Funding for Indigenous housing (October 2018)
October 16th, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: Funding for Indigenous housing (October 2018)
Affordable units made possible by development charges

Spadina Road’s Wigwamen Terrace will receive $700,000 from the city to add 24 affordable housing units for Indigenous seniors. AHMED HAGAR/GLEANER NEWS
By Ahmed Hagar
Wigwamen Terrace (14 Spadina Rd.) has received $700,000 to fund a three-storey expansion that will add 24 new affordable housing units for Indigenous seniors. Toronto City Council approved the funding late last month.
NEWS: Election chaos (October 2018)
October 16th, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: Election chaos (October 2018)
Council cuts a concern
By Ellie Hayden
Local residents’ associations, business improvement areas, and community organizations are concerned that reducing Toronto City Council from 47 to 25 seats will wreak havoc with the business of the city in their neighbourhoods.
FORUM: Changing times and travel modes (October 2018)
October 16th, 2018 · Comments Off on FORUM: Changing times and travel modes (October 2018)
Councillors should ask new questions
By Albert Koehl
Is City Hall’s preoccupation with facilitating the movement of cars now just a bad habit that can no longer be rationalized in light of actual travel modes by residents?
According to the numbers, among other reasons: yes.
NEWS: Hundreds protest cuts to council (Aug./Sept. 2018)
September 11th, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: Hundreds protest cuts to council (Aug./Sept. 2018)
Defending downtown democracy

Joe Cressy (Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina) speaks at an emergency public meeting at Scadding Court Community Centre on August 13. ELLIE HAYDEN/GLEANER NEWS
By Ellie Hayden
Hundreds of people huddled shoulder to shoulder shouted the rallying cry at an emergency public meeting on August 13 at the Scadding Court Community Centre.
CHATTER: Dupont Station construction delayed by a year (Summer 2018)
August 12th, 2018 · 1 Comment
The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) recently announced that construction would be delayed one year at Dupont Station due to difficulties with the third-party contractor in charge of the project. Elevators are being installed at the Dupont Street and Spadina Road station, which has led to regular traffic delays at the intersection.
FORUM: Why I’m running for re-election (Summer 2018)
August 12th, 2018 · Comments Off on FORUM: Why I’m running for re-election (Summer 2018)
Building a more livable and caring city
By Joe Cressy
It’s been four years since I was first elected to represent Trinity-Spadina on Toronto City Council. It has been both an exhilarating and, at times, exhausting experience. I’ve loved every minute of it.