
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

HISTORY: The Gleaner looks back at 25 years (Nov. 2019)

December 9th, 2019 · Comments Off on HISTORY: The Gleaner looks back at 25 years (Nov. 2019)

Lunch with Jane Jacobs in 1997

In May 2020, The Annex Gleaner celebrates 25 years of publishing. In celebration, we are republishing highlights of our past; this feature, Lunch with Jane Jacobs, was originally printed in August of 1997. Jacobs, the celebrated urban thinker, was a long-time Annex resident. Deanne Fisher, who interviewed Jacobs, is the founding editor of the Gleaner.


Tags: Annex · History

NEWS: What’s next for College Street?

October 28th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS: What’s next for College Street?

Visioning a future for Little Italy

PICTURE COURTESY DTAH: Astra Burka, who organized the discussion on the future of College Street from Bathurst to Shaw streets, lauded the Bloor Annex BIA (whose chair publishes this newspaper) for its plan to transform “a series of left-over parcels of land into a sequence of vibrant, dynamic, public green spaces”.

PICTURE COURTESY DTAH: Astra Burka, who organized the discussion on the future of College Street from Bathurst to Shaw streets, lauded the Bloor Annex BIA (whose chair publishes this newspaper) for its plan to transform “a series of left-over parcels of land into a sequence of vibrant, dynamic, public green spaces”.


Tags: Annex · News

Familiar stroll, unknown histories

April 12th, 2012 · 1 Comment


By Whitney French


Tags: Annex · News · People · General

A good fight deserves a plaque

March 12th, 2010 · Comments Off on A good fight deserves a plaque


By Rebecca Payne

This June, the Annex Residents’ Association and the Heritage Toronto will dedicate two plaques to commemorate the grassroots community action that helped halt the construction of the planned Spadina Expressway. One is proposed for the northeast corner of Spadina Road and Bloor Street West, and the other for the Kendall Street subway entrance.


Tags: General