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ABOUT OUR COVER (DECEMBER 2016): Arctic amusements

December 20th, 2016 · Comments Off on ABOUT OUR COVER (DECEMBER 2016): Arctic amusements

Captain Owen Stanley (1811-1850) painted this watercolour based on drawings he made while on Sir George Back’s Arctic expedition in 1836 and 1837. He served on the HMS Terror, which almost a decade later would be lost after returning to the Arctic for the Franklin Expedition. Stanley was not part of the ill-fated voyage, having moved on to command his own ships and sail to New Zealand and Australia. The HMS Terror was found in September by the Arctic Research Foundation. The drawings are part of the University of Toronto’s Thomas Fisher Rare Books Library.


Tags: Annex · News

ARTS (DECEMBER 2016): HMS Terror found on greeting cards

December 20th, 2016 · Comments Off on ARTS (DECEMBER 2016): HMS Terror found on greeting cards

Thomas Fisher Rare Books a treasure trove unto itself

PHOTO COURTESY U OF T THOMAS FISHER RARE BOOK LIBRARY: “Arctic Amusements” by Owen Stanley depicts the ship’s crew passing the time while stuck in sea ice in 1836-7.

By Annemarie Brissenden


Tags: Annex · Arts