
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

Grading our greenspace (Feb. 2024)

April 6th, 2024 · Comments Off on Grading our greenspace (Feb. 2024)

A plethora of parks in the Annex get judged

Compiled by Mia Keskinen

Each year the Annex Gleaner reviews the abundance of parks in our coverage area using a variety of criteria. 

While there is no decisive “winner” of the grading, letter grades are assigned to convey the quality of the parks considering aspects such as upkeep, design, and amenities. 


Tags: General

NEWS: PARA AGM talks revitalization (June 2021)

July 15th, 2021 · Comments Off on NEWS: PARA AGM talks revitalization (June 2021)

Sustainable and green neighbourhood also on the agenda

Football fans brought College and Clinton streets to life following Team Italia’s victory over Spain. ARLYN MCADOREY/GLEANER NEWS

By Madeline Smart

After months of lockdowns, revitalization was at the top of the agenda for the Palmerston Area Residents Association’s (PARA) annual general meeting on June 2. 


Tags: Annex · News

GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Grading the green (August 2020)

September 9th, 2020 · 1 Comment

Park it here

In this year’s installment of evaluating park spaces within the Gleaner’s catchment area, our observers noted the impressive revival of Queen’s Park North showing what a great city can do when it focuses its imagination and resources. The neglected Euclid Avenue Park, near Koreatown, shows what happens when these resources are withheld. Compiled by Mary An, Tanya Ielyseieva, and Nicole Stoffman.


Tags: Annex · Life

GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Open spaces in the heart of the Annex (Summer 2019)

July 16th, 2019 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Open spaces in the heart of the Annex (Summer 2019)

Lots of places for ambling with a dog, playing sports, or watching the world go by

This is our first set of park reviews for 2019. The Annex and its surroundings are blessed with a rich array of green space — much of it under the umbrella of city parks. We grade them here, every year using many parameters. Many a venue to run your dog, laze away a day, grab a seat in the sunshine, or shade, push a child on the swing set, the Annex has it all.


Tags: Annex · Life

GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: The best and worst of local parks (Summer 2018)

August 12th, 2018 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: The best and worst of local parks (Summer 2018)

Brunswick-College Parkette has received an upgrade and a new name, Doctors’ Parkette. A well-maintained and tidy spot, it’s great place to catch a breather in the midst of the busy city. AHMED-ZAKI HAGAR/GLEANER NEWS


Tags: Annex · Columns · Life

NEWS: PARA plans for a green future (July 2018)

July 18th, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: PARA plans for a green future (July 2018)

Annual general meeting includes Mirvish Village update

By Ahmed-Zaki Hagar

Future development and maintaining community green spaces were the main topics at a well-attended annual general meeting of the Palmerston Area Residents’ Association (PARA) on May 15.

Kristina Reinders, a senior urban designer with the City of Toronto, spoke about the TOcore initiative, focusing on parkland and community spaces.


Tags: Annex · News

GRADING OUR GREENSPACE (JULY 2017): Open spaces in the heart of the Annex

August 1st, 2017 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE (JULY 2017): Open spaces in the heart of the Annex

Lots of places for ambling with a dog, playing sports, or watching the world go by

PHOTO BY GEREMY BORDONARO/GLEANER NEWS: There’s lots for kids to do at the recently renovated Margaret Fairley Park, where the installation of a new wading pool and seating area is almost complete. The revitalized park has a determined Muskoka feel to it that might strike some as a bit too sterile.


Tags: Annex · Life