Chen has made an impact at Harbord Collegiate
By Ammara Khan
Tags: Annex
By Annemarie Brissenden
With both the federal and provincial governments making significant investments in public infrastructure, the Ministry of Education’s release of information detailing the maintenance backlog in Ontario raises a serious question: are we doing all that we can to maintain our buildings once they are built? The evidence suggests that we are not, and that our penchant for funding new infrastructure while ignoring our existing capital assets is ringing in a very high cost.
PHOTO COURTESY JESSICA LEE/TDSB: Toronto District School Board (TDSB) staff and students joined with the Toronto Police Service at Harbord Collegiate Institute to celebrate International Day of Pink on April 13, which raises awareness to stop discrimination, gender-based bullying, homophobia, and transphobia. Special guests included Canadian Olympian and rhythmic gymnast Rose Cossar and Eugene Melnyk, owner of the Ottawa Senators.
By Paris Herbert-Taylor
Tags: Annex · Arts · People · General
By Reem Jazar
The Toronto District School Board is voting on March 9 about bringing video screen ads to as many as 70 Toronto secondary schools. The board is expected to vote in favour of the screens, with some restrictions to commercial advertising.
By Emina Gamulin
If the board of trustees votes yes at their next meeting, the deal between the Toronto District School Board and Onestop Media Inc. will see as many as 74 secondary schools receive video screens in common areas with ads running 30 per cent of the time.