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Plans for Radio Parkdale to be announced at Synthesis Gala this Friday

March 22nd, 2011 · Comments Off on Plans for Radio Parkdale to be announced at Synthesis Gala this Friday


"Parkdale Chic ~ Octopus Style (Remix)"/Image courtesy Kris Bovenizer

"Parkdale Chic ~ Octopus Style (Remix)"/Image courtesy Kris Bovenizer

By Emina Gamulin

While the head of the local residents’ association jokingly refers to them as the “Politically Correct Development Group,” the newly-renamed PCDG says they will continue to do the work they’ve always done: encouraging economic and employment initiatives in Parkdale.


Tags: Liberty · Arts · People

TDSB-Onestop deal will sell our kids short

February 10th, 2011 · Comments Off on TDSB-Onestop deal will sell our kids short

By Emina Gamulin

If the board of trustees votes yes at their next meeting, the deal between the Toronto District School Board and Onestop Media Inc. will see as many as 74 secondary schools receive video screens in common areas with ads running 30 per cent of the time.


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