
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS: Wychwood library celebrated (Dec. 2022)

December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on NEWS: Wychwood library celebrated (Dec. 2022)

Historic building reopens with new features

Wychwood library’s original building keeps its old charm with modern improvements. HAILEY ALEXANDER/GLEANER NEWS

By Fox Oliver

On Oct. 3, community members gathered for a ceremony to celebrate the official reopening of the Wychwood Public Library following four years of renovation. 


Tags: Annex · News

CHATTER: Tranzac Holiday Gift Fair (Dec. 2022)

December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Tranzac Holiday Gift Fair (Dec. 2022)

The Tranzac Club Holiday Gift Fair is back in full form this year every weekend from Dec 3 – 18. COURTESY SARAH GREENE

This year, the Tranzac Club is hosting their annual Holiday Gift Fair from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 292 Brunswick Avenue every weekend between Dec. 3 and Dec. 18. Every Sunday and Saturday leading up to Christmas Eve, the Tranzac fair will feature original gifts crafted by local artists and artisans. At this month-long market, there will be something for everyone.


Tags: Annex · News


December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on LETTER TO THE EDITOR (Dec. 2022)

Re: Grading our Greenspaces – Margaret Fairley Park

I always enjoy getting the Annex Gleaner and have appreciated your Grading our Greenspace for many years…good for the neighbourhood and good for the parks department.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice — Can dreams come true? (For John Tory) (Dec. 2022)

December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice — Can dreams come true? (For John Tory) (Dec. 2022)



Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

FORUM: Bill 23 is the province’s Big Lie (Dec. 2022)

December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on FORUM: Bill 23 is the province’s Big Lie (Dec. 2022)

Residents’ associations come together to condemn move

By the HVRA and the ARA

Bill 23, the provincial government’s promise to build 1.5 million homes by 2031 is nothing short of an early Christmas gift to developers.

There’s no guarantee homes will be built, there’s nothing to ensure they will be affordable, and there’s no help for renters.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

GREENINGS: It’s time for climate truth not trinkets (Dec. 2022)

December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: It’s time for climate truth not trinkets (Dec. 2022)

Support organizations that actually care about our children’s future

Usually around Christmas I like to write about ways to lower our personal environmental footprints during the holidays, but none of that matters in the face of the complete political failure we are facing. This year, rather than buying gifts for kids or grandkids, they need you to get out there and fight for them. 


Tags: Annex · Life · Opinion

LIFE: Save Karma Co-op (Dec. 2022)

December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on LIFE: Save Karma Co-op (Dec. 2022)

Pandemic dealt a blow but with your help we are poised to recover

Shoppers in Karma’s produce section helping to keep the beloved brand viable. COURTESY KARMA CO-OP

By Bob Biderman


Tags: Annex · Life