
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS: Alleyway on the cutting edge (Feb. 2021)

March 5th, 2021 · Comments Off on NEWS: Alleyway on the cutting edge (Feb. 2021)

Croft Street showcases laneway homes and “green” potential

Croft Street, which is in fact an alleyway, could be mistaken for a canvas.

By Luca Tatulli


Tags: Annex · News

City seeking street greening opportunities

February 2nd, 2016 · Comments Off on City seeking street greening opportunities

Harbord Village plan targets laneways, parkettes

In-ground pinchpoint planters, like the one on Robert Street shown above, act as a curb extension, provide an immovable barrier that discourages drivers from making illegal manoeuvres, and are not subject to the graffiti found on their above-ground counterparts.  COURTESY?SUSAN DEXTER

In-ground pinchpoint planters, like the one on Robert Street shown above, act as a curb extension, provide an immovable barrier that discourages drivers from making illegal manoeuvres, and are not subject to the graffiti found on their above-ground counterparts. 

By Marielle Torrefranca


Tags: Annex · General

FORUM: Untapped potential

February 2nd, 2016 · Comments Off on FORUM: Untapped potential

Animating our local laneways

By Joe Cressy

Downtown communities like ours face unique challenges and countless opportunities. Almost every day, in conversations at our local coffee shops, in public meetings, and as we connect with our neighbours, we look for ways to work together to build our communities. We look for opportunities to enhance our parks, support our neighbours, and to create new public spaces.


Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion