
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS: Neighbours oppose demolition plans (Nov. 2020)

December 4th, 2020 · Comments Off on NEWS: Neighbours oppose demolition plans (Nov. 2020)

Heritage building holds monumental significance

Residents hope heritage designation saves 661 Huron St. MARY AN/GLEANER NEWS

By Tanya Ielyseieva

Annex neighbours are fighting to stop the demolition of the properties at 661 and 663-665 Huron Street.

The plan to replace the single-family homes would see the construction of a four-storey apartment building with 48 residential units.


Tags: Annex · News

FOCUS: Apartment plan for Huron Street meets opposition (Apr. 2020)

May 1st, 2020 · Comments Off on FOCUS: Apartment plan for Huron Street meets opposition (Apr. 2020)

Maintaining historical built-form at odds with need for rental units

Heritage conservation activists oppose the demolition of this classic Annex home to allow for the building of an apartment complex. TANYA IELYSEIEVA/GLEANER NEWS

By Tanya Ielyseieva


Tags: Annex · News