Sean Lacey saw most coffee establishments shutter on Bloor St. due to the pandemic. He saw the opportunity and opened up his own take-out only coffee venue within the Victory Cafe (440 Bloor St. W.). Lacey, pictured above, makes his own fresh baked goods on the premises and sells coffee beans to go. The new business will move to Borden St. (just south of Bloor) when the Victory Cafe and other restaurants fully re-open.
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- CHATTER: Pop-up coffee shop opens on Bloor! (Apr. 2020)
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2 responses so far ↓
1 CHATTER: Victory’s Nick is the anti-gouger (Apr. 2020) // May 1, 2020 at 2:30 pm
[…] Pop-up coffee shop opens on Bloor! (Apr. […]
2 CHATTER: “A burger and a pound of butter please…” (Apr. 2020) // May 1, 2020 at 2:34 pm
[…] Pop-up coffee shop opens on Bloor! (Apr. […]