Bike repair shops take “essential” classification seriously
By Brian Burchell
News that the provincial government had declared bicycle repair shops an “essential service” during this crisis came as a welcome surprise to area bike shops and cyclists alike. The Gleaner contacted four of these businesses to find out how customers can support these important outlets and also get their bikes serviced for spring while keeping a safe distance.
Bateman’s Bicycle Company is keeping one location open for business, its flagship store at 913 Bathurst St. Owner Robert Bateman welcomes the challenge, “Our mandate is to keep our customers safe while providing our essential service. We will be focusing on what matters most, keeping cyclists moving safely and supporting those seeking an alternate to public transit.” Their Express Shop on Dupont and the Top Shop and Rentals, also on Bathurst are closed for now. Bateman’s can also ship product directly through online shopping at: https://www.batemansbikeco.com/ . If you want your bike repaired they request you knock on the door; a mechanic will come outside to collect your bike keeping a safe distance from you. (416) 538-2453
Curbside Bike Repair located at 412 Bloor St. West is open for repairs and online sales. Though they are locked, knocking on the door Tuesday to Friday from 2-5 pm or Saturday 12-5 pm, will get you service. In the alleyway behind the store a tent is erected where they are able to safely pass bikes in and out of their repair facility. More info is available at https://curbsidecycle.com (416) 920-4933
Dave Fix My Bike located at 254 Christie St. has been keeping Annex residents’ bikes safely rolling for 28 years. Dave is pleased to look after your bike during this crisis and has adopted a similar knock-on-the-door approach to help keep everyone safe. Dave’s shop is open Tues 12-6, Thurs 12-8, Fri 12-8, and Sat 12-6. (416) 944-2453
Sweet Pete’s Bike Shop has closed it’s Annex location for now but is operating at 1204 Bloor St. W. Though their showroom is closed, the online store is open with free shipping on any purchase over $100. Visithttps://www.sweetpetes.com . Repairs can be booked over email at info@sweetpetes.com . No drop-offs will be accepted without an appointment. A staff person is available at the door to safely accept or deliver your repaired bike to you. Operating hours: Mon-Fri 11-7 pm, Sat 10-6 pm, and Sun 12-5 pm. At this time, Sweet Pete’s will not be accepting phone calls.
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