
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

Entries from May 2015

how nice! Safety!

May 29th, 2015 · Comments Off on how nice! Safety!

Annex Gleaner May 2015 editorial cartoon


Tags: General

Why do the Conservatives keep missing the boat?

May 29th, 2015 · Comments Off on Why do the Conservatives keep missing the boat?

The orange wave has toppled the bastion of blue.

The New Democratic Party’s (NDP) recent sweep to power in Alberta should put the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) on notice. Even if the right wing was united in that province, the combined seats of the Conservative and Wild Rose parties would not be enough to crush the wave. Meanwhile, the Liberals caused barely a ripple. It’s a clear signal that those living in the province wanted change.


Tags: General

Canoe garden lands on the shore of Lake Iroquois

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on Canoe garden lands on the shore of Lake Iroquois

Led by David Suzuki Foundation Neighbourhood Park Ranger Aidan Nolan (above left), volunteers transform a canoe into a garden in front of the Tollkeeper’s Cottage at Bathurst Street and Davenport Road. A Community Canoe Garden Network initiative, the garden — one of 11 installed along the corridor of old Garrison Creek — creates an abundant habitat for bees, birds, bats, and butterflies while reminding residents of the lost rivers that flow beneath the city. Photo: Neiland Brissenden, Gleaner News

Led by David Suzuki Foundation Neighbourhood Park Ranger Aidan Nolan (above left), volunteers transform a canoe into a garden in front of the Tollkeeper’s Cottage at Bathurst Street and Davenport Road. A Community Canoe Garden Network initiative, the garden — one of 11 installed along the corridor of old Garrison Creek — creates an abundant habitat for bees, birds, bats, and butterflies while reminding residents of the lost rivers that flow beneath the city. Photo: Neiland Brissenden, Gleaner News


Tags: Annex · Liberty · News

Inaction frustrates residents

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on Inaction frustrates residents

Government urged to act now to reduce the risk of a rail catastrophe

By Arthur White

About 200 people attending an April town hall on rail safety learned that little has changed since they last met in November.


Tags: Annex · Liberty · News

Preserving a historic street

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on Preserving a historic street

Madison Avenue to become a Heritage Conservation District

By Annemarie Brissenden

What may be one of Toronto’s most historic streets was almost demolished to make way for an urban expressway.


Tags: Annex · News

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on

Christie Gardens residents clean up Veronica Mallon-Dupuis, a resident of Christie Gardens Retirement Residence, helps to clean up the area on Earth Day, April 22. A small group of Christie Gardens residents picked up litter not only around the large building, but also from the grounds of neighbouring Frankel Lambert Park. Photo: Brian Burchell, Gleaner News

Christie Gardens residents clean up
Veronica Mallon-Dupuis, a resident of Christie Gardens Retirement Residence, helps to clean up the area on Earth Day, April 22. A small group of Christie Gardens residents picked up litter not only around the large building, but also from the grounds of neighbouring Frankel Lambert Park.
Photo: Brian Burchell, Gleaner News


Tags: General

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on

Local residents, David Suzuki Foundation volunteers, and members of the Mississauga First Nation fill a canoe — donated by the Beattie family of Collingwood — with plants that will create a thriving garden attractive to pollinators. Photo: Neiland Brissenden, Gleaner News

Local residents, David Suzuki Foundation volunteers, and members of the Mississauga First Nation fill a canoe — donated by the Beattie family of Collingwood — with plants that will create a thriving garden attractive to pollinators. Photo: Neiland Brissenden, Gleaner News


Tags: General

How much is too much?

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on How much is too much?

Questions of density raised at PARA AGM

By Annemarie Brissenden

Palmerston Area Residents’ Association (PARA) members hoping to gain special insight into Gregory Henriquez’s plans for the redevelopment of the corner at Bloor and Bathurst streets had to settle for a presentation on the values underpinning his work.


Tags: Annex · News

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on

Joe Cressy (Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina) gets his hands dirty for Earth Day on April 22 by helping to fill buckets of compost that the city provides annually to local residents with gardens. Photo Brian Burchell, Gleaner News

Joe Cressy (Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina) gets his hands dirty for Earth Day on April 22 by helping to fill buckets of compost that the city provides annually to local residents with gardens. Photo Brian Burchell, Gleaner News


Tags: General

The right to a healthy environment

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on The right to a healthy environment

Toronto should join the chorus

By Mike Layton

As Canadians, we celebrate our differences from coast to coast, but there is one important thing that we all share in common, our natural environment.


Tags: Annex · Liberty · News

Chiarandini’s hippies on canvas

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on Chiarandini’s hippies on canvas

Artist was fascinated by Yorkville and hippie culture

Michael Waage was from Queens, New York. He came to Toronto in the 1960s working for a circus and loved it so much he returned. He became a street worker or social worker helping Yorkville hippies. Waage moved out to Vancouver in the early 1970s and passed away in 2006 from lung cancer. Courtesy of a private collection

Michael Waage was from Queens, New York. He came to Toronto in the 1960s working for a circus and loved it so much he returned. He became a street worker or social worker helping Yorkville hippies. Waage moved out to Vancouver in the early 1970s and passed away in 2006 from lung cancer. Courtesy of a private collection


Tags: Annex · Arts · People

Take advantage of used and local

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on Take advantage of used and local

Avoiding the consumer trap that awaits new parents


Tags: Annex · Liberty · News · Editorial

Cinnamon, the magic ingredient

May 28th, 2015 · Comments Off on Cinnamon, the magic ingredient

How to spice up the kitchen this spring

Nothing seemed more delicious to us as kids when we got in the door right after school on a cold day than hot buttered raisin bread toast lavishly sprinkled with cinnamon and white sugar with a cup of hot chocolate.


Tags: Annex · Food