
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner


December 30th, 2018 · Comments Off on LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Dec. 2018)

Not so funny

Re: How Nice editorial cartoon (October 2018)

I have lived in the Annex for 40 years. I love living here and am so glad The Annex Gleaner exists. This is the first time opening the paper made me sad. I have never voted Conservative, never will, and I put in a good number of years working alongside Jack Layton, two of them at City Hall.


Tags: Annex · Letters

Election results for your ward

October 26th, 2010 · Comments Off on Election results for your ward

In Ward 20, Adam Vaughan easily won re-election with 74 per cent of the vote. Mike Yen, whose platform was very similar to Mayor-elect Rob Ford, and whose message of “Stop the War on Fun” resonated with local fraternities and bars, including the Brunswick House, came in a distant second with 3,601 votes. Dean Maher, Roman Polochansky and Ken Osadchuck picked up 6, 2, and 1 per cent of the vote, respectively.


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