
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ON THE COVER (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

Harbord Village resident Rory “Gus” Sinclair has been piping in neighbourhood events for nearly 30 years, including his 18th year of opening the Bloor Borden Farmers’ Market, on June 19. BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS
In his first public performance Gus opening the Sussex Ulster Fall Fair on September 21, 1997.



Tags: Annex · On the cover

EDITORIAL: Ford’s boozy billion-dollar blunder (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

Who is clamouring so much for beer and wine in corner stores and at every grocer that the province feels compelled to exit its deal with The Beer Store early? The financial penalty to leave the contract now is between $225 million and $1 billion depending on whose numbers you buy. The current arrangement with The Beer Store (TBS) is set to expire in 16 months, with no penalty from Ontario taxpayers. Could it be that Premier Doug Ford is planning an early election, wants to get this campaign promise fulfilled ahead of time, and doesn’t mind a bit wasting taxpayers’ dollars to check that box?


Tags: General

NEWS: Should vape stores be near high schools? (May 2024)

June 14th, 2024 · Comments Off on NEWS: Should vape stores be near high schools? (May 2024)

Vape World on Bloor parks itself on pathway to Central Technical High School 

By Ammara Khan and Meredith Poirier


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL: Ford needs to step up and lead for once (May 2024)

June 14th, 2024 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Ford needs to step up and lead for once (May 2024)

The competing notions of treating illicit drug use as a health issue versus a criminal one is at the heart of a divide between the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario. The city wants to decriminalize and help people who are addicted and the province thinks it can arrest its way out of the problem.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

NEWS: Karma’s free bike repair cafe (Apr. 2024)

May 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on NEWS: Karma’s free bike repair cafe (Apr. 2024)

Wildly popular repair cafes from last year now include bicycles

Karma Co-op member Nathalie Remond thrilled with her ready to roll wheels. COURTESY KARMA CO-OP

By Brian Burchell

This year, Karma Co-op is hosting its first spring Bicycle Repair Cafe on Saturday, April 27, 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Karma’s parking lot. The co-op is located at the rear of 739 Palmerston Ave. (off Karma Lane).


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL: The Vacant Home Tax: A multi-mayor failure (Apr. 2024)

May 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: The Vacant Home Tax: A multi-mayor failure (Apr. 2024)

The Vacant Home Tax (VHT) is an unabashed debacle. The City of Toronto just sent 167,000 homeowners tax bills that include a one per cent VHT levy based on the values of their properties. If, for example, their Municipal Property Assessment Corporation valuation is $800,000, then the city just added a surcharge to their tax bill of $8000. Payable when? Now.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

ON THE COVER (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER (Mar. 2024)

Newly constructed laneway suite near Borden and Bloor underscores the many possibilities for infill housing that are feasible and permissible in older downtown neighbourhoods. READ MORE HERE. BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS



Tags: General

EDITORIAL: Ford‘s actions “reflect a juvenile understanding of the role of the judiciary” (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Ford‘s actions “reflect a juvenile understanding of the role of the judiciary” (Mar. 2024)

In the wake of Premier Doug Ford’s move to politicize the Ontario judiciary by only “appointing like-minded judges” whom he says will put more people in jail, three former chief justices have criticized  the move, saying that “judges do not take orders from government.”


Tags: General

DEVELOPINGS: Bloor and Spadina tower update (Feb. 2024)

April 6th, 2024 · Comments Off on DEVELOPINGS: Bloor and Spadina tower update (Feb. 2024)

Greater density is on the horizon throughout the Annex

By Fox Oliver and 

Brian Burchell


Tags: General

NEWS: Shoppers Drug Mart changes course after story (Feb. 2024)

April 6th, 2024 · Comments Off on NEWS: Shoppers Drug Mart changes course after story (Feb. 2024)

Monitoring now only occurs at point of purchase 

Video surveillance has taken the place of human receipt checkers at Shoppers. BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS

By Brian Burchell

Following the Annex Gleaner article that appeared in December 2023: “Receipt checks raise retail conflict,” the Shoppers Drug Mart on Bloor Street West at Walmer Road has ceased the practise of asking customers to show receipts after using the self-checkout. 


Tags: General

EDITORIAL: The “Get it Done Act” should get Ford out (Feb. 2024)

April 6th, 2024 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: The “Get it Done Act” should get Ford out (Feb. 2024)

Premier Doug Ford’s latest gimmick is his pending “Get it Done Act.” Ford is banking on Ontario voters having short memories, being easily duped, and not minding at all being bribed with their own money. This latest omnibus legislation is a dog’s breakfast of silly, shiny objects designed to distract from a string of failures and flip flops that appear to have been authored by the premier himself.


Tags: General

NEWS: Receipt checks raise retail conflict (Dec. 2023)

December 23rd, 2023 · Comments Off on NEWS: Receipt checks raise retail conflict (Dec. 2023)

Shoppers Drug Mart faces backlash against receipt checks

A Shoppers Drug Mart employee paces behind a patron while they process their self checkout. BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS

By Alexa Méndez


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL: AG confirms Ford rigged Science Centre analysis (Dec. 2023)

December 23rd, 2023 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: AG confirms Ford rigged Science Centre analysis (Dec. 2023)

In an annual report, Ontario’s Acting Auditor General (AG) Nick Stavropoulos contradicts the conclusions of the government’s stated “business case” for moving the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place. It turns out the “savings” the government promises taxpayers is anything but.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion