
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ARTS (APRIL 2017): Bloor St. Culture Corridor celebrates three years

April 10th, 2017 · Comments Off on ARTS (APRIL 2017): Bloor St. Culture Corridor celebrates three years

Enhancing Toronto’s vital arts and cultural sector

PHOTO COURTESY TORONTO REFERENCE LIBRARY: Vice and Virtue, running until April 30 at the Toronto Reference Library, examines moral reform in Toronto at the turn of the last century. When moral crusader William Holmes Howland was elected mayor in 1886, he introduced laws to curb drinking and vice. This exhibit presents articles, photos, and other media fueling the good and evil behind Toronto the Good.


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James Brylowski showcases his work, to rave reviews

June 26th, 2012 · 5 Comments


Brylowski stands in front of pieces from his exhibition "Stop! and eat the roses..." Courtesy Alexandra Gater.

By Kristin Eliason

James Brylowski, photographer and owner of the company Solid Porcupine Inc., showcased his work for the first time this May as part of Scotiabank’s 2012 CONTACT Photography Festival.


Tags: Liberty · Arts · People · General

‘Tis the season to Glean: Holiday Wishlist and Covers

November 17th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Help us spread the word on a couple of things we do every December here at the Gleaner: a holiday-themed  cover and an Annex-centric wishlist.

Every December edition, the Gleaner features community and holiday-themed artwork on our  covers for both our Annex and Liberty editions. We are currently looking for submissions reflecting this theme.


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