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ARTS: Wheeling Through Toronto book launch (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

Albert Koehl launches first book

The book launch for Wheeling Through Toronto by Albert Koehl took place on May 27 at L’Espresso Bar Mercurio at 321 Bloor St. W. COURTESY BRAD MARLIN

By Meredith Poirier 

The groovy L’Espresso Bar Mecurio, a bright Italian cafe at the intersection of Bloor and St. George streets hosted Albert Koehl’s book launch on May 27. 

The location was fitting, as Albert, along with members of Community Bikeways Coalition, helped make the installation of bike lanes on Bloor Street possible.

L’Espresso Bar Mecurio quickly filled up with attendees all there to support Albert and his new book. 

The crowd of over 60 people, composed mainly of those over 40, as well as many families, was a testament to the community Albert has created around biking, bike safety, community justice, and more. 

Among the crowd were Albert’s neighbours, family members and friends, and those with whom he collaborated or volunteered throughout his advocacy work. Many bike helmets littered the café, as many people chose to bike to the event, which is very on brand and perhaps because of Albert’s influence. 

Wheeling Through Toronto was on sale throughout the night. It was being sold by the University of Toronto Press (UTP). 

So many people bought copies that UTP sold out, and Albert had to grab more copies for them to continue selling. Throughout the night, Albert was the main attraction, and everyone wanted a chance to congratulate him and get him to sign their books. It’s a rare treat to meet an author and have them sign your book. 

About halfway through the event, the crowd moved to the lovely outdoor patio to hear Albert and his wife Emily give speeches. 

Emily started the speeches off and shared her gratitude for all the support that Albert has received. She also shared her immense pride in her husband and the feat it is to write a book. “I’ve watched Albert write this book and it takes courage. The biggest obstacle in life is belief in yourself.” 

Albert then got up to share his speech and thanks. 

He started off with a land acknowledgement. He spoke with grace and warmth as he shared his thanks. 

It was clear to anyone in the audience how passionate Albert is about cycling, his community, and climate justice. 

He shared an anecdote about learning to ride a bike on his back lawn as a child: “All of a sudden I could fly.” 

His book aims to recreate the feeling we all had as children learning to ride bikes. Readers will certainly feel inspiration and awe when reading Wheeling Through Toronto

The book itself is an in-depth look at the history of the bicycle in Toronto and a discussion about the role of the bicycle in the way forward in the climate crisis. 

The book is a historical timeline. It starts in 1896 and takes readers all the way to the 2020s, including the pandemic. It ends in 2023. 

His discussion of the history of the bicycle includes archival footage, photographs, excerpts from Albert’s own experiences, and more. 

Readers won’t find a more in-depth and engaging book about cycling in Toronto. 

If you’re passionate about cycling, climate justice, Toronto, or community, this book will not disappoint. 

Grab a copy through the University of Toronto Press website or take a bike ride to your favourite local bookstore to grab a copy! 


Tags: General