
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ARTS: A corridor of possibilities (May 2022)

May 17th, 2022 · Comments Off on ARTS: A corridor of possibilities (May 2022)

Photography festival explores the shocking and the everyday

Vista, 2021, by Alison Galley from the Lifescapes: Through the Lens exhibit at the Dignam Gallery is part of the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival. COURTESY ALISON GALLEY/THE DIGNAM GALLERY

By Meribeth Deen


Tags: Annex · Arts

FROM THE ARCHIVES (Dec. 2017): Changing the character of 44 Walmer Rd.

December 15th, 2017 · Comments Off on FROM THE ARCHIVES (Dec. 2017): Changing the character of 44 Walmer Rd.

If buildings are art, should they be altered from their original form?

Although diminished by the removal of its curvaceous balcony adornments, architect Uno Prii’s 44 Walmer Rd. (far left, photo by Brian Burchell for Gleaner News) — as it stands today — remains an artistic statement in design. A few more examples of his work are 20 Prince Arthur Ave. (second from left, photo by Brian Burchell for Gleaner News), his “most expressive building”, 35 Walmer Rd. (second from right, photo by Arthur Rozumek/Wikimedia Commons), and 485 Huron St. (far right, photo by Arthur Rozumek/Wikimedia Commons).


Tags: Annex · History