
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

CHATTER: Annex Residents’ Association AGM covers pressing issues (May 2022)

May 17th, 2022 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Annex Residents’ Association AGM covers pressing issues (May 2022)

The ecological restoriation of Paul Martel Park (formerly Ecology Park) was one of the agenda items at the ARA’s AGM. The park is now home to a Bloor Annex BIA-sponsored mural created by First Nations artists led by local artist Joseph Sagaj. NEILAND BRISSENDEN/GLEANER NEWS

The Annex Residents’ Association (ARA) held their annual general meeting on April 21 via Zoom. Those in attendance included members of the ARA, residents and representatives from development teams, city council and Toronto Police Service. The most notable discussions were about improving safety on Avenue Road, the West Annex Heritage Project, vandalism at St. Alban’s Square and the restoration of Paul Martel Park. 


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: City fails to move forward as Avenue Road plans evolve (Fall 2021)

November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on NEWS: City fails to move forward as Avenue Road plans evolve (Fall 2021)

Bike lanes added to Avenue Road re-design

Avenue Road Safety Coalition has introduced a project that would create a bike lane on the east side of Avenue Road in a shared space with pedestrians. COURTESY BROWN AND STOREY

By Margarita Maltceva


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: Report urges reduction of traffic lanes on Avenue Road (Aug. 2021)

September 8th, 2021 · Comments Off on NEWS: Report urges reduction of traffic lanes on Avenue Road (Aug. 2021)

Cyclist death spotlights lack of bike lanes in the plan

The Avenue Road Safety Coalition proposes reducing Avenue Road from six lanes to four and adding a linear park. COURTESY BROWN AND STOREY

By Madeline Smart


Tags: Annex · News

CHATTER: Community groups push pedestrian safety on Avenue Road (Nov. 2020)

December 4th, 2020 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Community groups push pedestrian safety on Avenue Road (Nov. 2020)

Narrow sidewalks plague pedestrians on Avenue Road. BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS

According to the City of Toronto, over 60,000 cars, on average, are caught driving  over the speed limit on Avenue Road every week. The sidewalks between Bloor Street West to St. Clair Avenue West do not meet the accessibility standards requiring a minimum width of 152.5 cm, and local groups want improvements to start immediately. With the support of councillors Mike Layton and Josh Matlow, they have requested the launch of a Pedestrian Safety Improvement Pilot Project that would replace a lane on both sides of the road with a temporary barrier.


Tags: Annex · News