
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

CHATTER: The Bloor-Borden farmers’ market is back! (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · No Comments

Thanks to the dedication of a few hard-working volunteers, the Bloor-Borden market is here for another year. Helen, the market matriarch, can be found at the volunteer table virtually every Wednesday from 3 – 7 p.m. making sure that the market runs smoothly and answering questions from new and old shoppers. When you visit the market, be sure to thank her for her tireless efforts that brought this important community event back to the Annex and Harbord Village neighbourhoods.


Tags: Annex · News

GREENINGS: Greater density along transit hubs is good for all of us (May 2024)

June 14th, 2024 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: Greater density along transit hubs is good for all of us (May 2024)

Mandating no cars under new builds is the way forward

It is very exciting to see the development of the old Honest Ed’s site almost come online. It means there will be more people in this city living close to transit. It means there will be more people in this neighbourhood to sustain the small businesses that make this neighbourhood liveable. We need to support high-density housing projects in this neighbourhood, but we have to make sure that these new projects come with zero new parking spots. We want walkers, cyclists, and transit users. We don’t want to be home to more polluting drivers who make the city dirty and dangerous.


Tags: Annex · Life · Opinion

GREENINGS: A lament for the tree inventory (Mar. 2024)

April 7th, 2024 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: A lament for the tree inventory (Mar. 2024)

As more people move in, more green space needs to be considered 

Spring is my favourite time to get outside and enjoy what park spaces this city has to offer. Sadly, there really isn’t that much of it. In the Annex, we have a few strips north of Bloor where homes were taken out for the subway, there’s Taddle Creek Park, and then there’s Jean Sibelius. It really is scant green space for the 14,000 people who call this area home. In case you haven’t noticed, the Mirvish Village development on the old Honest Ed’s lot is near completion, and it won’t be long before 1000s more call this area home, competing to use the green space that’s available. The little green space we have is also losing its beautiful canopy coverage. 


Tags: General

GREENINGS: Our trees are in crisis (Feb. 2023)

March 27th, 2023 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: Our trees are in crisis (Feb. 2023)

ARA to resurvey all the trees in the Annex 

By Terri Chu

There’s a lot to love about the Annex: cultural vibrancy, a wide variety of local independent businesses, walkability and trees. 

Can you imagine this place without the big, beautiful maples? The streets would feel empty and dystopian. 


Tags: Annex · Life · Opinion

GREENINGS: It’s time for climate truth not trinkets (Dec. 2022)

December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: It’s time for climate truth not trinkets (Dec. 2022)

Support organizations that actually care about our children’s future

Usually around Christmas I like to write about ways to lower our personal environmental footprints during the holidays, but none of that matters in the face of the complete political failure we are facing. This year, rather than buying gifts for kids or grandkids, they need you to get out there and fight for them. 


Tags: Annex · Life · Opinion

GREENINGS: Vote this election (Provincial Election 2022)

May 24th, 2022 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: Vote this election (Provincial Election 2022)

A vote for the oil men is a vote for genocide; it is actively acknowledging our ambivalence about the suffering of others

By Terri Chu

We live in a sea of green, red, and orange signs here in University-Rosedale, and for all the things we might disagree on, our neighbours agree on a few key points: climate change is real, vaccines work, science can move us forward.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

GREENINGS: The disproportionate impact of inflation (Jan. 2022)

February 4th, 2022 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: The disproportionate impact of inflation (Jan. 2022)

Examining the interconnectivity of consumption, labour, and the environment

By Terri Chu

The richest among us earned record profits during another COVID-19 year while the poorest among us are risking their lives in understaffed service jobs. 


Tags: Annex · Columns · Life · Opinion

GREENINGS: Avoid the stress of stuff at Xmas (Dec. 2021)

December 17th, 2021 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: Avoid the stress of stuff at Xmas (Dec. 2021)

Do it for the planet, and for yourself

By Terri Chu

As an environmentalist, few things make me cringe quite like Christmas does. We are heading into the season when Canadians will each discard a staggering 50 kg of trash over the holidays. 


Tags: Annex · Life

CHATTER: ARA’s ambitious tree audit planned for renewal in 2022 (Fall 2021)

November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on CHATTER: ARA’s ambitious tree audit planned for renewal in 2022 (Fall 2021)

This 400 year old oak tree off Spadina Avenue is one of the oldest trees in the city. The ARA is about to update its survey of all 10,000 trees in the Annex. New data will help protect the tree canopy from developers, says project lead, Terri Chu. GLEANER FILE PHOTO/COURTESY MICHAEL LOW

In 2009 the Annex Residents Association (ARA) took on the impressive task of cataloging over 10,000 trees in the Annex neighbourhood. A team of forestry students and numerous volunteers worked over the course of four summers logging the trees’ species, age, varieties and their ownership. Now, 12 years later, they’re looking to do it all over again.


Tags: Annex · News

CHATTER: Annex Residents’ Association holds virtual AGM (June 2021)

July 15th, 2021 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Annex Residents’ Association holds virtual AGM (June 2021)

Over 40 people were in virtual attendance at the Annex Residents’ Association’s (ARA) Annual General Meeting on April 22. Because of the pandemic, it was the first AGM in two years, but participation was up thanks to Zoom. 


Tags: Annex · News

LIFE: Enough with beg buttons (May 2021)

June 15th, 2021 · Comments Off on LIFE: Enough with beg buttons (May 2021)

It’s time to give pedestrians their due

By Terri Chu

Steven’s Grocery is easily my favourite corner of our neighbourhood. Helen’s flowers are always a welcome sight as we walk by, but the one thing I HATE about that corner is the beg button. 


Tags: Annex · Life

GREENINGS: More greenspace, fewer cars (Apr. 2021)

May 12th, 2021 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: More greenspace, fewer cars (Apr. 2021)

Let’s not go back to unhealthy “normal”

By Terri Chu

While we all wait for vaccines to bring us back to some sense of “normal” (don’t hold your breath as the variants might beat us at this game), let’s take a moment to reflect on how much normal really sucked: for so many Torontonians, “normal” meant sitting in the car for hours just to get to work. 


Tags: Annex · Life

GREENINGS: Urban agriculture has many environmental dividends (Mar. 2021)

March 26th, 2021 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: Urban agriculture has many environmental dividends (Mar. 2021)

Reconnecting with our green thumbs is good for us all

By Terri Chu


Tags: Annex · Life