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SPORTS: Many hats, one goal for Topolie (July 2018)

July 18th, 2018 · Comments Off on SPORTS: Many hats, one goal for Topolie (July 2018)

Player-manager Damon Topolie hits one out during a game in Burlington May 2018.

An interview with Toronto Maple Leafs’ player-manager

A recent ESPN column declared that “parts of baseball are disappearing before our very eyes”.


Tags: General

Maple Leafs slug their way to victory, trounce Majors 23-13

July 19th, 2012 · 1 Comment

After a rough start, the Toronto Maple Leafs triumphed over the London Majors after a series of consistent hits

By Jonah Birenbaum

A relentless Maple Leafs offense erased a seven-run deficit with a 13-run explosion in the fourth inning. The Leafs overcame a rough outing from starter Brandon Horgan as they outslugged the London Majors 23-13 at Dominico Field on Wednesday night.


Tags: Annex · Liberty · Maple Leafs Baseball · General