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The patsies of Parkdale? Bar owners say they shoulder blame for entire neighbourhood

March 31st, 2011 · 5 Comments

Skadarlija owner Sam Sri says he feels like the fall-guy for the neighbourhood. Photo Rebecca Payne/Gleaner News

By Rebecca Payne


The closure of Captain Jack’s and denial of a rooming house application for the Parkdale “problem spot” does not mean that some area business owners are satisfied.


Tags: Liberty · News · People

Party’s over: Frats may lose rooming house exemption

June 8th, 2010 · 7 Comments

By Jacob Arnfield

Is there a difference between a fraternity and a rooming house?

Historically, municipalities with rooming house laws say yes. When Toronto’s rooming house legislation was first instituted, fraternity and sorority houses were exempted, but this is not likely to be the case for much longer.


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