
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

FOCUS: Revitalization of Robert St. Field (Mar. 2021)

March 26th, 2021 · Comments Off on FOCUS: Revitalization of Robert St. Field (Mar. 2021)

Long-awaited renewal of U of T park space for community use

Emerging from its confusing past, Robert Street Field has upgraded the playground and the field is now the largest geothermal project in Canada. COURTESY STUDIO tla OBTAINED FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

By Mary An


Tags: Annex · News · Life

FORUM: Making it green (Aug. 2020)

September 9th, 2020 · 1 Comment

Parks must grow with the city

By Mike Layton 

As summer slowly comes to a close, it is important to reflect on the ways that our city has developed during these challenging times. Our response to the pandemic has uniquely highlighted that investing in public green spaces and active transportation infrastructure means a better quality of life for Torontonians. 


Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion

FORUM: University no longer fielding exemplary behaviour (Jan. 2018)

January 29th, 2018 · 1 Comment

Can a park’s past set the tone for its future?

Had the Spadina Expressway been built, there might have been a development like St. James Town west of Yonge Street. The city had rezoned the area, and a developer had quietly purchased many of the 32 properties on Robert and Sussex avenues. COURTESY CITY OF TORONTO ARCHIVES


Tags: Annex · History · Opinion